Hello everyone,
I've been trying to generate a way to catch or suppress errors in my web browser control. actually what i really need in my browser is that if i run my project and the page cannot be display, to generate an error handler so instead of showing "The page cannot be display" to show something else, like "about:blank" for example or not display anything. i tried this:
Dim WithEvents objDoc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim WithEvents objWind As MSHTML.HTMLWindow2
Dim objEvent As CEventObj
Private Sub WebBrowser1_NavigateComplete()
Set objDoc = WebBrowser1.Document
Set objWind = objDoc.parentWindow
End Sub
Private Sub objWind_onerror(ByVal description As String, ByVal URL As String, ByVal line As Long)
Set objEvent = objWind.event
objEvent.returnValue = True
MsgBox (description)
End Sub
But i would like something diferent or better than this.
Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks in advance