Dont know, if chosen a good forum (--assembly), but i need help guys.
Just started to look at disassembling and havent found any good tutorials or guides or helps.
So I run a program and get eg. this: (only some line, the whole file is bigger)
.text:00401000 push ebp
.text:00401001 mov ebp, esp
.text:00401003 sub esp, 8
.text:00401006 mov eax, ds:atexit
.text:0040100B leave
.text:0040100C jmp eax
.text:0040100C sub_401000 endp
i only know jmp(jump) nad all jz,jnz and other jump like things ... now what are the other things??? what does push, mov sub leave mean??? what value has ebp, esp, eax????