Hello Friends
Creating library object.
I have a library.txt that contain 20 books and every line in library,txt contain author ,title and loan , my questions is how to create class and object for library script with python.
1. search at title
2. search at author
3. Borrow a book
4. Return a book.
5. Adds a new book.
6. Removes a book.
For example when someone borrowed a book we get ”The book is borrowed”
I shall be very grateful for your help.
class Library:
def __init__(self, author, title):
self.author = author
self.title = title
self.borrowed = False
def search_title:
def search_author:
def borrow_book:
def Return_book:
def add_book:
def remove_book:
-------- Main Program --------
print("Welcome to the library!")