Hi, I am currently learning how to program, and have a code below:

int voltage;
    for (voltage = voltage_min; voltage <= voltage_max; voltage = voltage + step_size_variable){
        printf("%d\t\t%0.3d%%\n", voltage, ((voltage - 3000)/1200)*100);

When I run it, the program outputs only 0.00%s, and is not calculating the voltage according to the equation that is inside in the last printf(). Is there any advice to this work...?

You don't indicate what voltage_min and voltage_max may be.

See, if it confuses you so much then maybe separate calculation and printing, and print result variable only.
Also can write function to calculate

For values of voltage less than 4200, you'll always get zero. This is because of the way integer arithmetic works. Relevant C FAQ link.

I dislike working with floating point numbers too, but this looks like a case where they would make sense.

Alternately, you could get slightly better results by moving the 100 multiplier in front so your intermediate value doesn't dip to zero.

(100 * (voltage - 3000) / 1200)

You should try to multiply it first thn divide,


Why not then

 (voltage - 3000) / 12.0

Thank you guys for your advices. I haved moved the equation out of the printf(), and declared a floating point variable like below. The program is doing the math, but is truncating the results, even when I force it to disply 1 decimal point. How can I fix it? I also posted the entire code below for reference.

for (voltage = voltage_min, battery_remain = ((voltage - 3000) * 100) /1200; voltage <= voltage_max; voltage = voltage + step_size_variable, battery_remain = ( (voltage + step_size_variable - 3000) * 100) / 1200)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()

    printf("Welcome to the Battery State Of Charge (SoC) Table Generator\n");

    //ask the user for battery information
    int voltage_min = 0;
    int voltage_max = 0;
    int step_size_variable = 0;
    printf("Enter min & max voltages (mV) to show in the table: ");
    scanf("%d%d", &voltage_min, &voltage_max);
    printf("Enter the step size between voltages: ");
    scanf("%d", &step_size_variable);

    //determine the variables and constants needed to calculate voltage
    int voltage; 
    float battery_remain;
    const int voltage_min_allowance = 3000;
    const int voltage_max_allowance = 4200;
    const int OVERCHARGE_VOLTAGE = 4250;
    printf("Voltage\t\t   SoC\tDescription\n");

    //calculate the voltage
    for (voltage = voltage_min, battery_remain = ((voltage - 3000) * 100) /1200; voltage <= voltage_max; voltage = voltage + step_size_variable, battery_remain = ( (voltage + step_size_variable - 3000) * 100) / 1200)
        if(voltage < voltage_min_allowance){
            battery_remain = 0; 
        if(voltage >= voltage_max_allowance){
            battery_remain = 100;
        if(battery_remain >= 0 && battery_remain < 10){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tRecharge Soon!\n", voltage, battery_remain);
        if(battery_remain >= 10 && battery_remain < 25){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tLow!\n", voltage, battery_remain);
        if(battery_remain >= 25 && battery_remain < 90){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tGood!\n", voltage, battery_remain);
        if(battery_remain >= 90 && battery_remain < 100){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tFull!\n", voltage, battery_remain);
        if(battery_remain >= 100 && voltage < OVERCHARGE_VOLTAGE){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tFull!\n", voltage, battery_remain);
        if(voltage >= OVERCHARGE_VOLTAGE){
            printf("%dmV\t\t%6.1f%%\tWARNING: OVERCHARGED!\n", voltage, battery_remain);

    return 0;

You have still the same old integer formula

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