How I create a DLL in VB?

Select ActiveX Dll Project Type

Be advised, this type of .DLL is not a Real .DLL, but an activeX (COM) DLL. The difference has to do with dependancies, and entry points, which is well beyond the scope of this thread, and may need to be in a different forum altogether. For the sake of simplicity, however, know that there is a difference between a VB .DLL, and a "real .dll"


There is no way to create a non-activex DLL with VB6 without using extreme hacking or wrapping your ocx with a DLL created in VC++. Google both if you have time. Or check this http://www.desaware.com/products/universalcom/spyworks/features.aspx. There are also other new generation Win32 Basic compilers around as you know.

Loren Soth

Right, The Clarification is necessary because in VB6, there are drastically different methods for using the functions in each. You can't declare an activex-dll and use it like you would kernel32.dll. You have to add a reference to an activex-dll in vb's IDE, where you must declare (like an API call) "standard" dll's.

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