Hey, i was wondering if there was a way to do a custom error check. Such as if a user inputs anything other than a number then i would like it to output an error message. short of having to type in every letter and symbol on the keyboard is there a quick and efficient way of doing this?

i know like in php if you run a bad query or something doesnt go quite as planned you can do a

or die mysql_error()

or something to that effect.

just wondering if there was the same for C #

here is what i am talking about:

//clear the various boxes
txtCIDR.Text = "";
txtSubNetShown.Text = "";
txtBitsBorrow.Text = "";
//pull the value into the variable
double dblSubnetsNeeded, dblBitsToBorrow, dblNET4; 
dblSubnetsNeeded = Double.Parse(txtSubnetsNeeded.Text); 
//if they only need one subnet what to do
if (dblSubnetsNeeded <= 1 || dblSubnetsNeeded >= 256)
	//Value to high or too low
	MessageBox.Show("Please Enter a Value Betweeen 2 and 255", "Error: Value Range", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//what to do if they want more than one
	//determin number of bits to borrow
	dblBitsToBorrow = Math.Log(dblSubnetsNeeded)/Math.Log(2);
	//Declare Variables to Handle left over bits
	decimal decBitsToBorrow = Convert.ToDecimal(dblBitsToBorrow),
	//Mod out the decimal
	decBitsLeftOver = (decBitsToBorrow % 1);
	//if there are decimal places
	if (decBitsLeftOver > 0)
	 //remove the decimal places, incriment the bits by one and then convert for display
	 decBitsToBorrow = decBitsToBorrow - decBitsLeftOver;
	 decBitsToBorrow += 1; 
	//display the bits to borrow
	txtBitsBorrow.Text = String.Format( "{0:0}", decBitsToBorrow);
	//display the current subnet
	dblBitsToBorrow = Convert.ToDouble(decBitsToBorrow);
	//determin the subnet
	dblNET4 = 256 - ((Math.Pow(2, 8)) - (Math.Pow (2, (8-dblBitsToBorrow))));
	/* the following section will display the first few results of the subnet addy */
	//variables for the first subnet, counter and highest subnet
	double dblFirstNET4 = dblNET4 - dblNET4,
	 dblNETStore = dblNET4,
	 dblHighestSubnet = 255 - dblNET4;
	//display first and second subnets
	lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblFirstNET4);
	lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblNET4); 
	/*end pre-address display*/
	/*Now itterate through the last of the subnets*/
	//only work untill we are are less than highest subnet
	while (dblNET4 < dblHighestSubnet ) 
	 //increment the subnet by one and display the subnet
	 dblNET4 = dblNET4 + dblNETStore;
	 lstNetAdd.Items.Add( "192.168.1." + dblNET4);
	/*end itteration*/
	/*Show CIDR notation and #of Subnets*/
	decimal decCIDR = 24 + decBitsToBorrow; 
	txtCIDR.Text += "/";
	txtCIDR.Text += String.Format( "{0:0}", decCIDR);
	txtSubNetShown.Text = Convert.ToString(lstNetAdd.Items.Count);
	/*end CIDR and subnets*/

on the top section where it says

dblSubnetsNeeded = Double.Parse(txtSubnetsNeeded.Text);

i want to write an error check that will output a message if the user does not input a proper integer value

Or just put that code into a try/catch block and output the error message or a custom message

Or just put that code into a try/catch block and output the error message or a custom message

That's what I would do. If you're converting a string to a number type, the Convert.ToInt32() method (or any of the other methods in the Convert class) will throw an exception if the string doesn't really contain a number.

Here's something I whipped up really quick as an example. It should work, but I'm still kind of new at this C# business:

string inputString;

catch (System.FormatException)
     Console.Writeline("Please input a number in inputString");

...That's pretty simple, but it shows you how to use error checking.

In that case this is how I would do it like this.

private static void IsNumeric(string input)
            catch (Exception error)

Then if you wanted to test if it was a number or not.


In that case no error would be thrown. Where as if you did this.


An error would be thrown.

Again, its the almost the same code as alc's its just a little different way to handle the error :).

Refining tayspen's example a bit ( i hope he doesn't mind):

private  bool IsNumeric(string input)
bool isNum = true;
               isNum = false;

return isNum;

Here is an example of my prefered method.
the double.TryParse

a regex would also be a good idea to put in front of this over a textbox (if you have 2.0). expecially if its like asp.net

static bool IsaNumber(string num)
			double dbl;
			return double.TryParse(num, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out dbl);

this is how i would go about error checking in a text box, can also be used the other way around, by changing the i value for a int and the system.convert to a parse.

try  // check if number is a decimal
                  string i;

                    decValue  =
                    catch (System.Exception i)

                            MessageBox.Show("input a decimal");

this is how i would go about error checking in a text box, can also be used the other way around, by changing the i value for a int and the system.convert to a parse.

try  // check if number is a decimal
                  string i;

                    decValue  =
                    catch (System.Exception i)

                            MessageBox.Show("input a decimal");

This correctly checks if the value is a number but not a decimal.
You are converting the value to an int which cannot have a value past the decimal point unlike the decimal.
So passing ".1" would fail in this even though this is a valid decimal.

Fix this by using Convert.ToDecimal, or fix the comments to correctly say that this is checking for an int.

commented: Geez, ease up... +1

sorry if i caused any confusion but in c# language decimal is 128 bits to represent values within the range 1E-28 to 7.9E+28. which means numbers between79228162514264337593543950335
and -79228162514264337593543950335, not included the numbers to the right of the decimal place. this is just a little snip it from my code to convert hex to dec numbers thats why i have decimal in the comments on the code. so your right it wont pick up anything to the right of decimal place good call on the convert.todecimal.

on the tool box expand Validation tag add a regular expression Validator object press F4 to display the properties grid then click on the Validation expression propertie u find there a list on built in expression from chose one among them and then set the errormessage propertie obj.errormessage = "my error text";

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