I am running Ubuntu 12 on Virtual box and I am using GCC to compile this simple C program that has simple OpenMp pragmas :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#define MAX 10000000000

void main()
    unsigned long long i,j,k,l;
    int threadnumber;
    #pragma omp parallel shared(i,j,k,l)
        threadnumber = omp_get_thread_num();
        if(threadnumber == 0)
            for(i = 0; i < (MAX / 4); i++)
        else if(threadnumber == 1)
            for(j = (MAX / 4); j < (MAX / 2); j++)
        else if(threadnumber == 2)
            for(k = (MAX / 2); k < (3 * (MAX / 4));k++)
            for(l = (3 * (MAX / 4)); l < MAX; l++)

My Processor is an Intel Core i5 one.
The program is indeed working in parallel (verified through adding some printf()s) , I have set the environment variable(OMP_NUM_THREADS) to 4.
The problem is that code is taking much time than this one which is not parallel :

#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 10000000000

void main()
    unsigned long long i;
    for(i = 0; i < MAX; i++)

I have also tried to add clock() calls before and after the loop in both versions and I am getting a higher time in the parallel version.
I have also tried to measure the time using : time ./a.out and I am getting (in the parallel version only) different "real" time than what is returned by clock() !
I have compiled both codes on visual studio and here are the results :
1) In Debug mode : both codes are given nearly equal times and that time is near to what is given by GCC.
2) In Release mode : Both codes are faster and the parallel one shows a great improvement in time.
The Problem in a nutshell :
1) I want to run the program in parallel with that same efficiency as in the release version of visual studio's compiler.
2) Is there a parameter or option that I should pass to GCC other than the "-fopenmp" to make it build a release version exactly like visual studio.
3) I want to know if it is an Ubuntu thing problem or a GCC one or WHAT ???
P.S : I have tried running the same procedure on an Ubuntu with wubi installation and on an Ubuntu as a standalone OS (on an ext4 File System) and on the same paltform and I am getting the same results !!!!
Please this is urgent ...

Please guys this is urgent !!
NO answer up till now ?!?!

use this Click Here

ifeq ($(BUILD),debug)   
# "Debug" build - no optimization, and debugging symbols
CFLAGS += -O0 -g
# "Release" build - optimization, and no debug symbols

all: foo

    make "BUILD=debug"

foo: foo.o
    # The rest of the makefile comes here...
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