Hello all,
I have a long list of coordinates which are supposed to trace the outline of a city. They are supposed to go into a program which plots the trajectory from one coordinate to the next, thereby plotting the outline. For some reason (I'm not sure why; I'm trying to help a friend with her lab work and now I'm just attached to figuring out the problem), the coordinates are scrambled. Furthermore, there are some coordinates present which are found inside, rather than on the perimeter of, the city. I'm trying to write an algorithm that sorts the coordinates in order and filters out the interior ones. My approach is as follows:
- Find the average x and y coordinates
- Transform all cordinates to be centered around the average (subtract average x and y from each coordinate pair).
- Use atan2 function to get the quadrant-inclusive tangents of each coordinate pair relative to the origin.
- Peform a selection sort and sort all cordinates in by inreasing arctan value.
- During selection sort, if two consecutive coordinate pairs are found within x degrees of each other, compare their respective distances from the origin. Keep the farthest one and delete the inner one.
When the x (degrees) value is set to 0, the algorithm correctly goes around the perimeter but gets fuzzy in the regions where there are interior coordinates present. However, when x is set to anything but 0, a bunch of points are chopped off. Strangely, no matter what the x value is, it's always the same points which are deleted. Could someone please look at the program below and tell me where I'm going wrong?
Note: The program is fairly well commented, but I'm trying to teach my friend simple C++. She's already familiar with simple C, so a lot of the commentary is geared for her. Please pardon the excessive commenting.
P.S. I'm self taught in C# and basically learned C++ on the fly; if you see any examples of poor or inefficient coding, I'd definitely appreciate the critique.
P.P.S.: I know the lat/long values should have been stored in a 2xn array but I couldn't figure out how to pass multidimensional arrays, so I just made one for lat and one for long.
#include <cstdlib> // was stdlib.h in C
#include <iostream> // was stdio.b in C
#include <string> // needed to use strings
#include <fstream> // needed to read and write to files (to create filestreams)
#include <math.h> // for performing exponent operations
#include <sstream> // for converting int to string (for status update)
using namespace std; // Write it at the top of every C++ program.
const int COORDINATE_LIMIT = 20000; // The size of the latitude and longitude arrays. This changes with size of file.
string GetFileName(); // gets the NAME of the input file
void ReadFile(string, double[], double[], int &, string[]); // gets the VALUES in the input file, AND the number of coordinates, AND the column headers.
void SortFile(double[], double[], int); // Sorts the data.
string GetPrintName(); // gets the NAME of the file to be written
void PrintFile(string, double[], double[], int, string[]); // writes the sorted arrays to a file.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
string input_Filename; // the name of the input file
string output_Filename; // the name of the sorted file to be written
double latitude[COORDINATE_LIMIT]; // the list of latitude values
double longitude[COORDINATE_LIMIT]; // the list of longitude values
int NumCoords; // the number of coordinates in the input file
string Headers[2]; // the headers at the top of the input file. It might be necessary to keep these so that Igor can read the file?
cout << "Warning. This program only allows " << COORDINATE_LIMIT << " coordinate pairs. If you have more, please change the array size and recompile.\n\n";
input_Filename = GetFileName(); // get input file name
ReadFile(input_Filename, latitude, longitude, NumCoords, Headers); // read the data from the input file
SortFile(latitude, longitude, NumCoords); // sort the data
output_Filename = GetPrintName(); // get the output file name
PrintFile(output_Filename, latitude, longitude, NumCoords, Headers); // write the output file
system("PAUSE"); // "Press any key to continue"
return EXIT_SUCCESS; // tells Windows that your program closed successfully.
string GetFileName() // Gets name of the input file.
string coordinates;
cout << "Enter File Name: ";
cin >> coordinates;
cout << "\n";
return coordinates;
// string Filename: the name of the file as input by the user. Should be "coordinates.txt"
// double latitude[]: The array that will contain all of the lattitude values
// double longitude[]: The array that will contain all of the longitude values
// int& NumCoords: The number of coordinates (lattitude + longitude / 2) in the input file. This will help you when you are using loops to sort them.
// string Headers[]: The column headers of the input file ("Indylat_new" and "Indylong_new")
void ReadFile(string Filename, double latitude[], double longitude[], int& NumCoords, string Headers[]) // Reads data into arrays and records how many coordinate pairs there are.
//COMMENTS: The way fstream works is kind of weird. It reads spaces as if it they were new lines. So each iteration of the while loop
// reads the next coordinate. The first line in the file says "Indylat_new Indylong_new". When counter = -2, the computer reads
// "Indylat_new". Then, when the counter = -1, the computer reads "Indylong_new". And so on. So when counter is an even number, it reads
// a latitude and when counter is an odd number, it reads a longtiude.
string temp; // string which will hold each value from the input file
int counter = -2; // So that the first two strings are skipped (Because they aren't numbers)
NumCoords = 0; // so that the number of coordinates begins at 0 before any are read
RESTART: // goto command label. You'll see what this is for when you read the final "else" clause.
ifstream InputFileStream; // creates an input filestream called InputFileStream. Don't worry about what a filestream is; just accept that you need it.
InputFileStream.open(Filename.c_str()); // opens the file called Filename (that we passed in as a parameter). You don't need to know why I had to add ".cstr()" to the end. It gives a compiler error without it.
if (InputFileStream.is_open()) // if the file successfully opens, the program continues to the while loop. Otherwise, it goes to the final "else" clause.
while (!InputFileStream.eof()) // reads each string in the input file
InputFileStream >> temp; // assigns the current string in the input file to the temp variable.
if (counter < 0) // skips the first two strings ("Indylat_new" and "Indylong_new")
Headers[counter + 2] = temp; // adds the current string to the list of column headers
else if (counter % 2 == 0) // if counter is an even number, it reads a latitude
latitude[counter / 2] = atof(temp.c_str());
// atof will convert the value of temp to float (double). (In case you ever need it, atoi converts string to int).
// note that again, I had to add ".c_str()". Again, it doesn't matter why for now, other than that the compiler gives an error without it.
// The position in the array is (counter / 2) because counter goes up when reading latitude AND longitude
else if (counter % 2 == 1) // if counter is an odd number, it reads a longitude
longitude[counter / 2] = atof(temp.c_str()); // same notes as before
NumCoords /= 2;
cout << "File has been read successfully. " << NumCoords << " entries were detected.\n";
else // lets you know if the file couldn't be opened
cout << "Sorry, could not find file " << Filename << ". Did you add the file extension?\n";
Filename = GetFileName(); // gets the corrected file name
goto RESTART; // goes back to the RESTART label at the beginning of this function to try reading the file again.
InputFileStream.close(); // closes the input file so that other programs can open it.
//Gets the coordinates of the center of the city
void GetCenter(double center[], double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords)
center[0] = 0; center[1] = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < NumCoords; i++)
center[0] += latitude[i];
center[1] += longitude[i];
center[0] /= NumCoords;
center[1] /= NumCoords;
// transforms coordinates to be centered around the new origin
void Coord_Transform(double center[], double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords)
for (int i = 0; i < NumCoords; i++)
latitude[i] = latitude[i] - center[0];
longitude[i] = longitude[i] - center[1];
// untransforms coordinates back to their original values
void Coord_Inverse_Transform(double center[], double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords)
for (int i = 0; i < NumCoords; i++)
if (latitude[i] != 0 && longitude[i] != 0) // 0,0 is flag that the coordinate should be deleted - therefore shouldn't be transformed.
latitude[i] = latitude[i] + center[0];
longitude[i] = longitude[i] + center[1];
// Produces the array of arctans which is sorted
void GetAtans(double Atan[], double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords)
for (int i = 0; i < NumCoords; i++)
Atan[i] = atan2(longitude[i], latitude[i]);
// asks for the angular tolerance within which to delete interior coordinate pairs
double GetSliceSize()
double x;
cout << "When two points are found to be within x degrees of each other, the point closer to the center will be deleted.\n";
cout << "Please enter the value of x: ";
cin >> x;
x = x * 3.14159265/ 180;
return x;
// returns true if one coordinate pair and its closest angular neighbor are within tolerance of each other
bool Proximity_Alert (double old_atan, double new_atan, double slice_size)
bool alert = false;
if (new_atan >= old_atan - slice_size || new_atan <= old_atan + slice_size)
alert = true;
return alert;
//Sorts the input file
// double[] latitude: array of all latitudes (populated from file).
// double[] longitude: array of all longitudes (populated from file).
// int NumCoords: The number of entries in the input file
void SortFile(double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords)
double center[2]; // The latitude,longitude of the city center
double Atan[COORDINATE_LIMIT]; // the array of arctan values
double Lowest_Atan; // the lowest arctan for the current iteration
int Lowest_Pos; // the position of the lowest arctan in the array for the current iteration
double array_temp; // holding variable to perform the array swap
double SliceSize; // angular tolerance for exclusing interior coordinates
double Z_temp_old; // distance of the ith coordinate pair from the city center
double Z_temp_new; // distance of the (lowest_Pos)th coordinate pair from the city center
GetCenter(center, latitude, longitude, NumCoords);
Coord_Transform(center, latitude, longitude, NumCoords);
GetAtans(Atan, latitude, longitude, NumCoords);
SliceSize = GetSliceSize();
for (int i = 0; i < NumCoords - 1; i++)
if (Atan[i] == -100) { continue;} // -100 is flag that this value shouldn't be used. Note that the normal range of Atan is -3.14 to 3.14.
Lowest_Atan = Atan[i]; // Sets the initial comparison value for the selection sort
Lowest_Pos = i; // Sets the initial comparison value position for the selection sort
for (int j = i + 1; j < NumCoords; j++)
if (Atan[j] != -100 && Atan[j] <= Lowest_Atan) // -100 is flag that the value shouldn't be used
Lowest_Atan = Atan[j]; // if the current Atan value is the lowest found yet, set this to the new selection sort comparing var
Lowest_Pos = j; // Also, record the position of this value
//Delete non-perimeter points
if (SliceSize != 0 && Proximity_Alert(Atan[i], Atan[Lowest_Pos], SliceSize) == true)
Z_temp_old = sqrt(pow(latitude[i],2) + pow(longitude[i],2)); //get distance from ith coordinate pair
Z_temp_new = sqrt(pow(latitude[Lowest_Pos],2) + pow(longitude[Lowest_Pos],2)); // get distance from (Lowest_Pos)th coordinate pair
if (Z_temp_old < Z_temp_new) { latitude[i] = 0; longitude[i] = 0; Atan[Lowest_Pos] = -100; } // delete whichever one is closer to the center
if (Z_temp_new < Z_temp_old) { latitude[Lowest_Pos] = 0; longitude[Lowest_Pos] = 0; Atan[Lowest_Pos] = -100;}
//Swap latitude and longitude. Put the coordinate with the lowest distance NEXT TO coordiante[i].
array_temp = Atan[i];
Atan[i] = Atan[Lowest_Pos];
Atan[Lowest_Pos] = array_temp;
array_temp = latitude[i];
latitude[i] = latitude[Lowest_Pos];
latitude[Lowest_Pos] = array_temp;
array_temp = longitude[i];
longitude[i] = longitude[Lowest_Pos];
longitude[Lowest_Pos] = array_temp;
Coord_Inverse_Transform(center, latitude, longitude, NumCoords); // back-transform coordinates
string GetPrintName() // asks for the name of the output file
string FileName;
cout << "Please enter the name that you wish to call the output file: ";
cin >> FileName;
return FileName;
// string FileName: The name that the output file is to be called.
// double[] latitude: array of all latitudes (sorted)
// double[] longitude: array of all longitudes (sorted)
// int NumCoords: number of entries to be written
// string[] Headers: the column headers from the input file
void PrintFile(string FileName, double latitude[], double longitude[], int NumCoords, string Headers[])
ofstream OutputFileStream; // creates an output filestream called "OutputFileSream"
OutputFileStream.open(FileName.c_str()); // opens the file for writing. Again, .c_str() is just something you have to do.
// Writes the column headers
OutputFileStream << Headers[0] << '\t' << Headers[1]; // The '\t' means tab, because that's how the column headers are separated in the input file.
// Writes the data
for (int i = 0; i < NumCoords; i++)
if (latitude[i] != 0 && longitude[i] != 0) // 0 is flag that the coordinate should be deleted
OutputFileStream << "\n" << latitude[i] << " " << longitude[i];
cout << "File " << FileName << " has been written.\n";