Hello. I am a python noob asking a probably obvious question. I am making sort of a question game, although its still in the debugging stage. The problem is below. (Way below)

    #A simple game of common knowledge.

    import time
    start = ""
    lv1 = False
    lv2 = False
    lv3 = False
    choicey = False
    choicen = False
    lvRule = True
    ynRule = True
    lives = 3
    points = 0

    print "Would you like to play the question game?"
    playgame = raw_input("y/n?  ")
    if playgame == "y":
        start = True

    #Choosing a level

    while start == True:
        LVup = False
        print "Select a level"
        Next = True
        if Next == True:
            level = raw_input("1, 2, or 3  ")
        if level == "1":
            lv1 = True
        if level == "2":
            lv2 = True
        if level == "3":
            lv3 = True

    #List of correct answers

        y1a = "Yes"
        y1b = ""
        y1c = ""
        y2a = ""
        y2b = ""
        y2c = ""
        y3a = ""
        y3b = ""
        y3c = ""

        n1a = "Yes"
        n1b = ""
        n1c = ""
        n2a = ""
        n2b = ""
        n2c = ""
        n3a = ""
        n3b = ""
        n3c = ""

    #The questions, picked randomly.      
        woo = ("y", "n")
        from random import choice
        print choice(woo)
        if choice(woo) == "y":
            choicey = True
        if choice(woo) == "n":
            choicen = True
        while choicey == True:
            if lv1 == True:
                ywoo = ("Is this Working?", "Is this Working?")
            if lv2 == True:
                ywoo = ("")
            if lv3 == True:
                ywoo = ('PUT QUESTIONS HERE')

            print choice(ywoo)

    #Defining the correct answer, if the answer is no.
            if ywoo == ("Is this Working?" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = y1a
            if ywoo == ("" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = y1b
            if ywoo == ("" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = y1c
            if ywoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = y2a
            if ywoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = y2b
            if ywoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = y2c
            if ywoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = y3a
            if ywoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = y3b
            if ywoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = y3c

            AnsIsYesLoop = True     
            while AnsIsYesLoop == True:
                AnswerY = raw_input("y/n?  ")
            if AnswerY != ("n", "y"):
                BadAns = True
            if AnswerN == "n":
                GoodAns = True
            if AnswerN == "y":
                WrongAns = True
            while BadAns == True:
                print "Please answer 'y' or 'n'."
                AnsYesLoop = True

        while choicen == True:
            if lv1 == True:
                nwoo = ('PUT QUESTIONS HERE')
            if lv2 == True:
                nwoo = ("Is Obama's running mate John Biden?")
            if lv3 == True:
                nwoo = ('PUT QUESTIONS HERE')

            print choice(nwoo)

    #Defining the correct answer, if the answer is no.
            if nwoo == ("Is this Working?" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = n1a
            if nwoo == ("" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = n1b
            if nwoo == ("" and lv1 == True):
                CorrAns = n1c
            if nwoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = n2a
            if nwoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = n2b
            if nwoo == ("" and lv2 == True):
                CorrAns = n2c
            if nwoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = n3a
            if nwoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = n3b
            if nwoo == ("" and lv3 == True):
                CorrAns = n3c

            AnsIsNoLoop = True     
            while AnsIsNoLoop == True:
                AnswerN = raw_input("y/n?  ")
            if AnswerN != ("n", "y"):
                BadAns = True
            while BadAns == True:
                print "Please answer 'y' or 'n'."
                AnsNoLoop = True
            if AnswerN == "n":
                GoodAns = True
            if AnswerN == "y":
                WrongAns = True

    if Uwin == True:
        BadAns = False
        GoodAns = False
        Next = False
        print "You win!"
        if level == ("1", "2"):
            print "Would you like to move to the next level? y/n?"
            NextLV = raw_input()
            if NextLV == "y":
                LVup = True

    while LVup == True:
        if level == ("1", Next == False):
            level = "2"
            lv1 = False
            Next = True
            Start = True
        if level == ("2", Next == False):
            level = "3"
            lv2 = False
            Next = True
            start = True
        if level == ("3"):
            start = False

    if GoodAns == True:
        BadAns = False
        points = points + 1
        print "The correct answer is;"
        print CorrAns
        print "You are correct! You now have", points, "points."
        print "Only", 3 - points, "to go!"

    if points == 3:
        Uwin = True

    if WrongAns == True:
        lives = 1 - lives
        BadAns = False
        Next = False
        print "The correct answer is;"
        print CorrAns
        if lives > 1:
            print "You have", lives, "lives left."
        if lives == 1:
            print "You have", lives, "life left."
        if lives == 0:
            GameOver = True

    while GameOver == True:
        print "Game over!"
        print "Would you like to play again?"
        PlayAgainLoop = True
    while PlayAgainLoop == True:
        PlayAgain = raw_input("y/n?"  )
        if PlayAgain == "y":
            start = True
        if PlayAgain == "n":
        if PlayAgain != ("n", "y"):
            print "Please answer y/n"
            PlayAgainLoop = True
    if playgame == "n":
        start = False  
    while start == False:
            print "See ya!"

I have my problem here;

            AnsIsNoLoop = True     
            while AnsIsNoLoop == True:
                AnswerN = raw_input("y/n?  ")
            if AnswerN != ("n", "y"):
                BadAns = True
            while BadAns == True:
                print "Please answer 'y' or 'n'."
                AnsNoLoop = True
            if AnswerN == "n":
                GoodAns = True
            if AnswerN == "y":
                WrongAns = True

When I answer y/n it treats it as if I answered somthing else, hence this line.

if AnswerN != ("n", "y"):
                    BadAns = True

And when I enter somthing random like fadshbfbhsf it simply repeats the question.
All help is apperciated.

Your code is really bad, but about your question: you should use not in not !=. You should start over and use list, not zillion simple variables.

Thanks for the help pyTony. I took your list advice, and it's so much simplier now. But on the old version of the code, it was simply a indent problem.

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