already done the TIO one as follows:

        {  dStr=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter "+name+"'s demand:");
           if (d<0)
           System.out.println("Demand can't be negative.");

but don't know how to transfer it into GUI style?
anyone can help me? Thx!!!!

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already done the TIO one as follows:

    {  dStr=JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please enter "+name+"'s demand:");
       if (d<0)
       System.out.println("Demand can't be negative.");

but don't know how to transfer it into GUI style?
anyone can help me? Thx!!!!

Get a good book which shows you how to do the basics of creating and listening to user input with GUI's.

What are you trying to do exactly. Are you doing a console app with JOption pane that will write to the console or do you want it to show up on like a GUI?, both are pretty simple. If you are just writing it to console then System.out.print(); will work. If you want to print it to a GUI, you will nees a label, JLabel label = new JLabel(), then set the text of the label to the input you recieved, which I think is a method called setText, so label.setText(inputHere); and I am not sure but I think you might have to repaint.

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