Id like to know, if say i have a data grid that is connected to a sql database, it displays the table columns once a user enters a search. eg;(in your sql table colnm names are member_name,m_address). Now instead of display those names from the sql, can it display your own customized coulmn headings on the datagrid. eg(m_address shall become Address)?

Thanks guys

yes just after the code where you assigning the datasource to your grid use this code.

datagridview1.column(0).headertext = "your text"
datagridview1.column(1).headertext = "your text"


hi but this is not a datagrid view bt the datagrid is there a difference between them? i used the datagrid to display the information. thanks

Hmm, I haven't tried using datagrid or gridview but you can try using alias

Select m_address as address
From table

The 'address' there is the alias
Executing this query will change the header name from m_address to 'address'

Hope this helps

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