I have taken checkboxes in datagridview....i want to insert the values of field checked into the databse......anybody can help??????????

Do the loop through the rows of dgv and check if row is selected:

   using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("connString"))
       foreach (DataGridViewRow dr in dataGridView2.Rows)
           DataGridViewCheckBoxCell check = row.Cells[0] as DataGridViewCheckBoxCell;
           if(check != null && (bool)check.Value) //1st parameter must not be null, 2nd parameter must me true!
               string query = @"UPDATE TableName SET FieldName2 = @param1 WHERE FieldName1 = @param2"; //query
               using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn))
                   cmd.Parameters.Add("@param1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = row.Cells["ColumnName2"].Value.ToString(); //set appropriate column name or its index
                   cmd.Parameters.Add("@param2", SqlDbType.Int).Value = int.Parse(row.Cells["ColumnName1"].Value.ToString()); //same here!! - this is some id (unique) column
                       if(conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                   catch(Exception ex)
                       break; //go out of the loop when 1st error occurs! - you can remove it
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