Hello I'm trying read data from a file and display it into 3 arrays coloums. however I keep on getting an error on line 33 stating [expected primary-expression before "int,double,int,int"] [ISO C++ forbids declaration of `readHousehold' with no type] I cant figure it out but I know it has to do with my functions. Thank you so much!
here is the prompt
The results of a survey( in a file) of the households in your township are available for public scrutiny. Each record contains data for one household, including a four-digit integer identification number, the annual income for the household , and the number of household members ( int, double, int). Write a program to read the survey results into three arrays and perform the following analysis (irrelevant as of now).
Here's my code
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int readHousehold(ifstream &inFile,int idhouseholdArray[], double incomeArray[], int membersArray[], int size);
void displayhouseData(int idhouseholdArray[], double incomeArray[], int membersArray[]);
const int OK = 0;
int main()
int rc;
int idhouseholdArray[24] = {1041,1062,1327,1483,1900,2112,2345,3210,3600,3601,4724,6217,9280,1000,1200,5601,5724,5217,5280,5000,5200,5230,6641,7000};
double incomeArray[24] ={12180,13240,19800,22458,17000,18125,15623,3200,6500,11970,8900,10000,6200,30000,35000,51970,66900,10000,70000,100000,25000,120000,85000,45500};
int membersArray[24] ={4,3,2,8,2,7,2,3,5,2,3,2,1,3,2,9,3,2,1,6,3,6,7,4};
ifstream inFile; // create an input file object
cout << fixed
<< showpoint
<< setprecision(2);
inFile.open("Bonus-Program.txt"); // open the file read
if (!inFile.fail()) // if open was successful
{ // execute statements in true path
rc = readHousehold(inFile, int idhouseholdArray[24], double incomeArray[24], int membersArray[24], int size);
if (rc == OK)
displayhouseData(idhouseholdArray, incomeArray, membersArray);
cout << "Error: Incorrect house data in file!!\a" << endl;
else // if fail was not successful
{ // execute statements in false path
cout << "File \"bonus.txt\" "
<< "not found."
<< endl;
return 0;
readHousehold(ifstream &inFile,int idhouseholdArray[], double incomeArray[], int membersArray[],int size)
int count = 0, rtnCode = 0;
double temp;
inFile >> temp;
while ((!inFile.fail()) && (count < size))
idhouseholdArray[count] = temp;
incomeArray[count] = temp;
membersArray[count] = temp;
inFile >> temp;
if (count == size)
if (!inFile.fail())
rtnCode = 1;
if (count < size)
rtnCode = 1;
return rtnCode;
void displayhouseData(int idhouseholdArray[], double incomeArray[], int membersArray[]);