How can I compare Dimensional arrays using iterators? My attempt is below but I gave up and used indexing instead. I plan to change comparing doubles with == to use epsilon later. Also should I be using vector of vectors?

//In my class, Data is defined as std::vector<std::vector<double>> Data;

bool Matrix::operator == (const Matrix& M) const
    for (std::vector<std::vector<double>>::iterator Row = Data.begin(); Row != Data.end(); Row++)
        for (std::vector<double>>iterator::Column = Row->begin(); Column != Row->end(); Column++)

    for (size_t I = 0; I < Data.size(); I++)
        for (size_t J = 0; J < Data[I].size(); J++)
            if (Data[I][J] != M[I][J])
                return false;
    return true;

//I used this for indexing so that I can do Matrix M;  M[I][J].
std::vector<double> Matrix::operator [](size_t I)
    return Data[I];

I also gave up on my multiplication using iterators to use indexing because I cannot figure it out :S

void Matrix::Multiply(Matrix N)
    Matrix Product = Matrix(Data.size(), N.Data[0].size());
    for (size_t I = 0; I < Data.size(); I++)
        for (size_t J = 0; J < N.Data[0].size(); J++)
            double SumElements = 0.0;
            for (size_t K = 0; K < Data.size(); K++)
                SumElements += Data[I][K] * N.Data[K][J];
            Product[I][J] = SumElements;
    //*this = Product;

I just want my code as efficient as possible which is why I thought iterators would be far far better.

As far as goes, it's unnecessary to micromanage like that. However, I think that given the awkwardness of using iterators here, subscripting is cleaner anyway. Just make sure to check boundaries of both vectors.

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