/** @file Graph.h */

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <sstream>
    using namespace std;

    //graph implementation
    class FlightGraph
          //A Node class to create pointer for graph implementation
          class Node
                public : 
                        string name;
                        double cost;
                        Node * next;

                // constructor
                      name=" ";

          int vertices;
          int edges;

          //vertex column pointer
          Node * columns;

          public : 
                 FlightGraph(int size);
                 int getVertexNumbers();
                 bool isEmpty();
                 string ReturnName(int index);
                 int ReturnIndex(string name);
                 int ReturnWeight(double cost);
                 bool isVertex (string name);
                 bool isEdge (string name1, string name2);
                 void AddVertex(string name);
                 void DeleteVertex(string name);
                 void AddEdge(string name1, string name2);
                 void AddWeight(string name1, string name2, double cost);
                 void DeleteEdge(string name1, string name2);
                 void ModifyVertex(string name1, string name2);
                 void SaveRecord(string file);
                 void LoadRecord(string file);
                 void DisplayGraph();



    #include "FlightFinderGraph.h"

    //FlightGraph :: FlightGraph(){}

    //overloaded constructor
    FlightGraph :: FlightGraph(int size)
         columns = new Node[vertices];

         cout << "" << endl;

    FlightGraph :: ~FlightGraph()
     for (int i=0 ; i<vertices ; i++)
         Node * cur = columns[i].next;
         Node * temp = cur;

         while(temp != NULL)
                    cur = temp;
                    temp = cur -> next;
                    delete cur;
         delete [] columns;
         columns = NULL;
         cout <<"Destructor -> Flight Finder Graph is destroyed." << endl;

    int FlightGraph :: getVertexNumbers()
        return vertices;

    bool FlightGraph :: isEmpty()
         if (vertices == 0)
             return true;
             return false;

    string FlightGraph :: ReturnName(int index)
                return columns[index].name;
                return "";

    int FlightGraph :: ReturnIndex(string name)
             for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
                 if (columns[i].name == name)
                 return i;
             return -1;

    /*int FlightGraph :: ReturnWeight(double cost)
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            if (columns[i].cost == cost)
                return i;

        return -1;
    } */

    bool FlightGraph :: isVertex(string name)
         for (int i=0; i< vertices; i++)
             if (columns[i].name == name)
             return true;
         return false;

    bool FlightGraph :: isEdge(string name1, string name2)
         if (isVertex (name1) && isVertex (name2))
              for (int i=0; i< vertices; i++)
                  if (columns[i].name == name1)
                                      if (columns[i].next != NULL)
                                                         Node * cur = columns[i].next;

                                                         while(cur != NULL)
                                                                   if(cur -> name == name2)
                                                                   return true;

                                                                   cur = cur -> next;
         return false;

    void FlightGraph :: AddVertex(string name)
         Node * newColumn = new Node [vertices];

         for (int i =0; i< vertices-1; i++)
             newColumn[i].next = columns[i].next;
             newColumn[i].name = columns[i].name;

         newColumn[vertices-1].name = name;

         Node * tempColumn = columns;
         columns = newColumn;
         newColumn = tempColumn;

         delete [] newColumn;
         newColumn = NULL;

         cout <<"The departure is added."<< endl;

    void FlightGraph :: DeleteVertex(string name)
        // if there is not the vertex
        if (!isVertex(name))
            cout << "The departure does not exist!" << endl;

        // delete the edges first
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            if (isEdge(columns[i].name,name))

            if (isEdge(name,columns[i].name))

        // a new coloumn
        Node * newColumn = new Node[vertices];

        // copy the column to new column
        for (int i=0, j=0; i<=vertices; i++)
            // skip the deleted node
            if (columns[i].name!=name)


        // swap the content of the columns
        Node * tempColumn = columns;
        columns = newColumn;
        newColumn = tempColumn;
        // delete the newColumn
        delete[] newColumn;
        newColumn = NULL;

        cout << "Departure is deleted." << endl;

    void FlightGraph :: AddEdge(string name1, string name2)
         bool EdgeExists = false;

         for (int i = 0; i< vertices; i++)
             if (columns[i].name == name2)
                                 EdgeExists = true;

         if (EdgeExists == false)
                        cout << "The flight does not exist! " << endl;

         for (int i=0; i< vertices; i++)
             if (columns[i].name ==  name1)
                                Node * newEdge =  new Node;

                                if(columns[i].next == NULL)
                                    Node * cur = columns[i].next;

                                    while(cur -> next !=NULL)
                                    cur = cur -> next;

                                    cur -> next = newEdge;
                                cout << "The flight is added!" << endl;

    void FlightGraph :: DeleteEdge(string name1, string name2)
        bool ifEdgeExists=0;

        // check if the second edge exists
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            if (columns[i].name == name2)
        // if it is not in the list
        if (ifEdgeExists==0)
            cout << "The flight does not exist!" << endl;

        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            // find the name1 in the column
            if (columns[i].name == name1)
                // if the list is empty
                if (columns[i].next == NULL)
                    cout << "The flight does not exist!" << endl;

                //  use two pointers
                Node * current = columns[i].next;
                Node * previous = columns[i].next;

                // for the first edge
                if (current->name == name2)
                    current = current->next;
                    delete previous;
                    previous = NULL;
                    cout << "The flight is deleted." << endl;

                // for other edges
                    current = current->next;
                    while (current != NULL)
                        // check the name is found
                        if (current->name == name2)
                            previous->next = current->next;
                            delete current;
                            current = NULL;
                            cout << "The flight is deleted." << endl;

                        // go one more node ahead
                        previous = current;
                        current = current->next;
        // if it is not in the list
        cout << "The flight does not exist!" << endl;

    // modify vertex name with the name
    void FlightGraph :: ModifyVertex(string name1, string name2)
        Node * cur;
        bool VertexExists=false;

        // check the first name is valid
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            if (columns[i].name == name1)

        // if the vertex is not found
        if (VertexExists == false)
            cout << "The first name is not valid!" << endl;

        // check the second name is not repeated
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            if (columns[i].name == name2)
                cout << "The second name is repeated!" << endl;

        // look for the name in all indices
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            // check if there is any edge
            if (columns[i].next != NULL)
                cur = columns[i].next;

                // go to all the edges
                while (cur != NULL)
                    // change the edge name
                    if (cur->name == name1)
                        cur->name = name2;

                    // go to next edge
                    cur = cur->next;

            if (columns[i].name == name1)
                columns[i].name = name2;
                cout << "The departure name changed to " << name2 << endl;

    void FlightGraph :: SaveRecord(string file)
         ofstream outfile;

         //save the vertices number
         outfile << vertices;
         outfile << endl << endl;
         //save the vertices
         for (int i=0; i< vertices; i++)
             outfile << i << ' ' ;
             outfile << columns[i].name << endl;
         //save the edges
         for(int i=0;i<vertices;i++)
                 outfile << i << ' ';

                 if (columns[i].next != NULL)
                                    Node * cur = columns[i].next;

                                    while (cur != NULL)
                                          outfile << ReturnIndex(cur -> name) << ' ';
                                          cur = cur -> next;
                 outfile << endl;
         cout << "The Flight Grpah is saved. " << endl;

    void FlightGraph :: LoadRecord(string file)
          ifstream infile;
          int size,index;
          string input;

          if (infile.is_open())


                               //loading the vertices
                               for(int i=1;i<size;i++)

                                       input = input.substr(2);

                                       if(input[1] == ' ')
                                       input = input.substr(2);


                               // loading the edges
                               for(int i=1; i<vertices; i++)
                                getline(infile, input);
                                stringstream ss(input);
                                ss >> size;

                                // add edge to the graph
                                   while(ss >> index)
                                            AddEdge(ReturnName(i), ReturnName(index));
              cout << "Error opening file.";

              cout << "The graph is loaded." << endl;

    void FlightGraph :: DisplayGraph()
         Node * cur;

        cout <<endl;
        cout <<"---------------------------------"<<endl;
        cout <<"          Departure List         "<<endl;
        cout <<"---------------------------------"<<endl;
        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            cout << i << " " << columns[i].name << endl;
        cout << "--------------------------------"<<endl<<endl;
        cout << endl;
        cout << "================================"<<endl;
        cout << "           Flight List          "<<endl;
        cout << "================================"<<endl;
        cout << "Number of Countries served : " << getVertexNumbers() <<endl;

        for (int i=0; i<vertices; i++)
            cout << columns[i].name;

            // show the edges if it is not empty
            if (columns[i].next !=NULL)
                cur = columns[i].next;

                while (cur != NULL)
                    // show all the edges
                    cout << " --- " << cur->name;
                    cur = cur->next;
            cout << endl;
        cout << "================================" << endl << endl;

How to solve the linked error? Thank you.

What that means is that you do not have a main() function present in your code.

I have a feeling that you are trying to compile just this file on its own. What you need to do is include this file in a project that has a main() function and then compile that. If you want to use this all on its own (I don't think this is the case because you have #define guards at the top of your code) then you need to create a main() function.

Did you create a windows project then delete the WinMain() function that the IDE generated for you? You probably intended to create a console project, not a windows program. Windows program has WinMain() instead of main().

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