Hi, I would like to be helped with automating my application. I work in an environment where we receive a high number of files daily. I am given a task to read a file extract strings and compare them with data in mysql database. I use visual studio 2010. Here's my code:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Module Module1
Sub Main(ByVal args As String())
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Users\LebohangL\Desktop\Lebo\DEND001D"
Dim TextLine As String = Nothing
Dim num As Integer = 0
Dim strDate As String = Nothing
Dim processing_date As String = Nothing
Dim CommandLineArgs As System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) = My.Application.CommandLineArgs
Dim service_type As String = Nothing
Dim serv_type As String = Nothing
Dim executeDA As MySqlDataAdapter
Dim datacombo As DataTable
Dim myConnection As MySqlConnection
Dim MySQLConnectionString As String
MySQLConnectionString = "Server=localhost;" & _
"Database=lebo_test;" & _
"Userid=root;" & _
myConnection = New MySqlConnection(MySQLConnectionString)
datacombo = New DataTable
Dim sqlcmd = "SELECT processing_date, service_type from cleanup where service_type LIKE 'AD%'"
executeDA = New MySqlDataAdapter(sqlcmd, myConnection)
Dim dtRow As DataRow
For Each dtRow In datacombo.Rows
service_type = dtRow("service_type")
processing_date = dtRow("processing_date")
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(FILE_NAME)
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
num += 1
TextLine = objReader.ReadLine()
If num = 1 Then
strDate = TextLine.Substring(2, 8)
service_type = TextLine.Substring(10, 4)
End If
Console.WriteLine("FileDate is: " + strDate)
Console.WriteLine("Processing date is: " + processing_date)
If strDate.ToString <> processing_date.ToString Then
Console.WriteLine("Error 02! Invalid processing date ")
Console.WriteLine("File Valid")
Console.WriteLine("Service type is: " + service_type)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module