I have to create a java program using either a regualr array or arraylist so I chose arralist and I named it horses but now have to create another method with in the programming inorder for a user to input/search for "trigger" and if it is found it shows the position if its not there it returns a -1. any tips would be helpful I just need help in getting it so the user as to input what they want to search for.
/* so I have a list of horses now I need to create another method inorder for the user to input "trigger" and return the index
of trigger which would be 0 or if they put in "harry" it will return a -1 for some reaosn my brain is not functioning I can return
it by having it in pre disclosed in program but cant remember how to have the user input. help me if can"
/*public int findhorsespace(String name)
this is what it should be put into this method inorder to return it */