{Prescriptions.GlsType} Like "SV" and 
    ((IsNull({Prescriptions.R_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_DV_SP}="+2.00") or 
    (IsNull({Prescriptions.R_NV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_NV_SP}="+2.00") or 
    (IsNull({Prescriptions.L_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.L_DV_SP}="+2.00") or 
    (IsNull({Prescriptions.L_NV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.L_NV_SP}="+2.00"))

i am having this type of recordselection formula but when i execute this if the First condition [((IsNull({Prescriptions.R_DV_CY}) and {Prescriptions.R_DV_SP}="+2.00") or ] becomes true then it is giving output, but if first is wrong it is not checking for other three...

can anyone help me??
thank you...

Hi Sanket, this has been posted in the wrong forum being vb6 and not C... :) I've asked that it be moved.

That's not C either, what language are you using?

if i am not wrong , you are trying to extract data and i am getting hint that you are using something related to json queries ? correct me if i am wrong.

This is crystal report in vb6 problem but it moved automatically here.

This is crystal report in vb6 problem

I'll move it to the VB6 forum.

Thnx decepticon

Sorry sanket, I have never seen code like that in vb6, even for CR11 reports. can you post some more code to the call/function itself?

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