i have some code i am working on andit keeps throwing an expression expected error. this code is designed to cheeck a RichTextBox form and highlight text, specified by a dictionary.
Dim location As UInteger = 0
Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, ULong) = getWords(rText1)
Dim wcount As Integer = 0
For i As Long = 0 To dict.Count
For j As Integer = 0 To args.Length
If dict.ContainsKey(args(j)) Then
For Each args(j) In dict.Keys
Dim count As ULong = dict.Values.ElementAt(wcount)
Dim colorSpace = count - args(j).Length
rText1.Select(colorSpace, count)
rText1.SelectionColor = Color.DarkBlue
Next() 'error here
End If
For j As Integer = 0 To arithimic.Length
If dict.ContainsKey(arithimic(j)) Then
For Each arithimic(j) In dict.Keys
Dim count As ULong = dict.Values.ElementAt(wcount)
Dim colorSpace = count - arithimic(j).Length
rText1.Select(colorSpace, count)
rText1.SelectionColor = Color.OrangeRed
Next() 'error here
End If
For j As Integer = 0 To logical.Length
If dict.ContainsKey(logical(j)) Then
For Each logical(j) In dict.Keys
Dim count As ULong = dict.Values.ElementAt(wcount)
Dim colorSpace = count - logical(j).Length
rText1.Select(colorSpace, count)
rText1.SelectionColor = Color.LightGreen
Next() 'error here
End If
Dim index As Integer = rText1.Find(comment) 'this is not a for loop because it only looks for one char
If index <> -1 Then
Dim lineindex As Integer = rText1.GetLineFromCharIndex(index)
Dim first As Integer = rText1.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(lineindex)
Dim last As Integer = rText1.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine(lineindex + 1)
If last = -1 Then last = rText1.TextLength
rText1.Select(first, last - first)
rText1.SelectionBackColor = Color.DarkGreen
End If
End Function
any ideas?