Thanks to some people who has already given me some pointers and insights, I wrote down on paper the layout before I started putting them into code, which I eventuall did and they're in code now. I tried to run it and gave me a list of lots of errors. :( The program is suppose to be an inventoryItem class that calculates data. It reads from input.txt and the input file has
command Item Number Quantity Cost Total cost (cost*quantity)
The commands are:
add - adds a new product number, price and quantity of that item to a vector
sold - finds the product number, and decrease the quantity based on the the amount that the input file has
deliver - finds the product number, and increase the quantity based on the the amount that the input file has
priceChange - finds the product number and changes the price
remove - removes the itemNumber from the inventory
Here is what I have as of now
The header file:
class inventoryItem
string itemNumber; //a variable that is set when the item is created
int quantity; //the variable that represents number of items currently in stock
int cost; //the per-unit price of the item
int totalCost; //total inventory cost of the item
void inputnewItem(string n) //adds a new item and set itemNumber only
/*adds a new item and set itemNumber along with quantity and cost*/
void inventoryItem( string n, int q, double c )
:itemNumber(n), quantity(q), cost(c)
void string erase(); //it will delete the item number
void int setQuantity(); //modifies the quantity of inventory
void double setCost(); //modifies the cost of the inventory
int getItemNumber(); //gets the item number of the inventory
int getQuantity(); //gets the quantity of the inventory (sold)
int getQuantity2(); //gets the quantity of the inventory (delievered)
double getCost(); //gets the cost of the inventory
double getTotalPrice(); //cost*quantity
The calculation file:
#include "Wong_inventoryItem.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
void inventoryItem::inventoryItem ( string n, int q, double c )
vector < inventoryItem > inventoryList; //vector to store the inventory item
inventoryList.push_back( n, q, c); //adds inventory number to vector
cout << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Output << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
//this function will change the quantity number of the product
int inventoryItem::getQuantity( string n, int q, double c )
string getQuantity( const vector <inventoryItem> &inventoryList, string n);
string i = 0;
int q_q = 0;
void swap (int q_q, int q);
//swaps the read from input quantity into q_q
int c = q_q;
q_q = q;
q = c;
for ( i = 0; i < inventoryList.size(); i++)
if (inventoryList[i].getQuantity == n) //searchs for the item number
//that the input file has just been read
inventoryList[i].setQuantity( inventoryList[i].getQuantity() - q_q);
iventoryList.push_back( n, q, c ); //stores the new quantity along with
//itemNumber and cost into vector
cout << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Output << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Error <<"Error: " << n << "not in inventory"<<endl;
return -1;
//this function will change the quantity number of the product
int inventoryItem::getQuantity2( string n, int q)
string getQuantity2(const vector <inventoryItem> &inventoryList, string n);
string i = 0;
int q_q = 0;
void swap (int q_q, int q);
//swaps the read from input quantity into q_q
int c = q_q;
q_q = q;
q = c;
for ( i = 0; i < inventoryList.size(); i++)
if (inventoryList[i].getQuantity2 == n) //searchs for the item number
//that the input file has just been read
inventoryList[i].setQuantity( inventoryList[i].getQuantity2() + q_q);
iventoryList.push_back( n, q, c ); //stores the new quantity along with
//itemNumber and cost into vector
cout << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Output << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Error <<"Error: " << n << "not in inventory"<<endl;
return -1;
//this function will change the price of the product
double inventoryItem::getCost( string n, int q, double c )
string getCost(const vector <inventoryItem> &inventoryList, string n);
string i = 0;
double c_c = 0;
void swap (double c_c, double c);
//swaps the read from input price into c_c
int d = c_c;
c_c = c;
c = d;
for ( i = 0; i < inventoryList.size(); i++)
if (inventoryList[i].getCost == n) //searchs for the item number
//that the input file has just been read
iventoryList.push_back( n, q, c ); //stores the new quantity along with
//itemNumber and cost into vector
cout << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Output << n << "\t" << q << "\t" << c <<"\t" << c * q <<endl;
Error <<"Error: " << n << "not in inventory"<<endl;
return -1;
//this function will remove the item number of the product
void inventoryItem::erase( string n )
string erase(const vector <inventoryItem> &inventoryList, string n);
string i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < inventoryList.size(); i++)
if (inventoryList[i].erase == n) //searchs for the item number
//that the input file has just been read
Error <<"Error: " << n << "not in inventory"<<endl;
return -1;
The main:
#include "Wong_inventoryItem.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
string command; //reads commands from the input file
string holditemNumber; //variable to hold the item number
int holdquantity; //variable that will hold the return of quantity
double holdcost; //variable that will hold the return of the cost of product
double holdtotalcost; //variable that will hold the return of the total cost
string findvecbyitemnumber(vector <inventoryItem> &L, string n);
//searches for a vector by inventory item number
inventoryItem iItem; //creates inventoryItem object iItem
ifstream Input ("input.txt"); //declares the input file "Input"
if (!Input)
cerr <<"Cannot open the file input.txt"<<endl;
//checks to see if input file is opened successfully
return 0;
ofstream Output ("Wong_inventory.txt"); //declares the output file "Output"
if (!Output)
cerr <<"Cannot open the file Wong_inventory.txt"<<endl;
//checks to see if output file is opened successfully
return 0;
ofstream Error ("Wong_log.txt"); //declares the error output file "Error"
if (!Error)
cerr <<"Cannot open the file Wong_log.txt"<<endl;
//checks to see if Error file is opened successfully
return 0;
While (!Input()) //keeps reading the lines of the input file until the end
if (command == "add") //if it reads add, inventoryItem will run
Input >> holditemNumber >> holdquantity >> holdcost;
iItem.inventoryItem(holditemNumber, holdquantity, holdcost);
else if (command == "sold") //if it reads sold, getQuantity will run
Input >> holditemNumber >> holdquantity;
iItem.getQuantity(holditemNumber, holdquantity);
else if (command == "delievered") //if it reads delievered, getQuantity2
//will run
Input >> holditemNumber >> holdquantity;
iItem.getQuantity2(holditemNumber, holdquantity);
else if (command == "priceChange") //if it reads priceChange, getCost
//will run
Input >> holditemNumber >> holdcost;
iItem.getCost(holditemNumber, holdcost);
else if (command == "remove") //if it reads remove,
Input >> holditemNumber;
} //ends while loop
Input.close(); //we close the input file
Output.close(); //we close the output file
Error.close(); //we close the error file
return 0;
} //end of main
And the input file:
add 123456789123 12.65 50
add 123456789123 12.65 50
add 123456789124 12.65 50
add 123456789125 12.65 50
add 123456789126 12.65 50
delivered 123456789123 50
delivered 123456789123 1
sold 123456789123 2
delivered 123456789123 1
sold 123456789123 100
sold 123456789123 99
sold 123456789123 5
remove 123456789124
sold 123456789124 5
delivered 123456789127 50
sold 123456789128 50
priceChange 123456789123 10.99
priceChange 123456789128 10.99
remove 123456789128
Can anyone help point out some errors or hints to what I'm doing wrong?