I am looking to code a small program in which the pandora songs I listen to are placed into a text file with the title and artist. I have no clue where to go as starting this project and would appreicate any and all help. I have mid level knowledge of C programming and would be willing to research topics if need be. Please leave any helpful info below. Thank you

It should be a simple program if all you want to do is enter the data from the keyboard and store the info in a text file. Just declare a few data items for each of the things you want in the text file, print a prompt for each, and use scanf() or fgets() to enter the data. After that either save in an array for later or use FILE* to save the info to the text file.

is that a manual input program tho? I was looking to build one which would TAKE the title and artist for each new song

take it from where?

MetroPandora SDK can be used to extract song info from Pandora using .Net web services.

I'm looking for more of a C based or Java based way in which to do this myself. Any ideas out there of how to start?

Any ideas out there of how to start

Yes, read the previous posts and links in this thread.

I'm looking for more of a C based or Java based way in which to do this myself. Any ideas out there of how to start?

I doubt that you'll find a C/C++ based SDK for Pandora Internet radio since the Pandora API's are undocumented and can be changed at their whim per this article.

Another possible solution is to search for a Pandora "java like" app with source code on the Android platform and possibly port that "java like" code to your target platform. IMHO, that would be an extremely challenging endeavor.

I checked out that SDK, I;m nto knowledgeable enough to finish it, I'm looking into a method where I take a string, aka the song title, and store it. Problem I'm having is using C to take text from a spot on a webpage.

how are you getting the webpage into your program? Sockets? something else?

That is also up in the air

If you have not started anything yet then use libcurl, here is a thread about it. There are a lot of other threads on this topic so you need to do some googling to find them. You can also get free libCurl download by googling. I can't answer detailed questions about it because I don't have any experience with it, I just know its a very popular library.

I'm looking into a method where I take a string, aka the song title, and store it. Problem I'm having is using C to take text from a spot on a webpage.

I would suggest that you review the source code from the various Pandora open source projects such as PandoraMusicbox to determine how those developers handle this issue. I've already checked the PandoraMusicbox source code and it's using JSON to deserialize the data. So, obviously, the Pandora server is using JSON to serialize the data and your web client must use JSON to deserialize the data. Thus, you'll need a c/c++ JSON parser.

Finally, keep in mind that just about all of these open source Pandora projects are "broken" primarily because Pandora made some changes to the API's, structures etc. around June 2012 and the open source developers are trying to "reverse engineer" these changes to fix their code. So, the structures that you may currently find in PandoraMusicBox for playlists etc. may not be totally accurate.

I am in the process of going thru that code. I am a bit confused about the interface however, anyone able to enlighten me?


I think I have began to get an idea how to proceed initially.

I am going to take the html source from the webpage and search it until I find title and artist, the collect the string as the name and author of the song

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