#include <iostream> //standard input and output
#include <fstream> //file input and output
#include <string> //for strings
#include <exception> //catches exceptions
#include <sstream> //stringstream comes from here
#include <algorithm>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

bool writeFile(const string &data); //writes strings to file
bool readFile(); //read file
bool palin(const string &data);

bool operator==(const stack<char>&, const queue<char>&);
bool operator!=(const stack<char>&, const queue<char>&);
void menu(); //display menu of choices

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    stack<char> *s;
    queue<char> *q;
    string input;
    string::iterator i;
    menu(); //launch menu
    return 0;

bool palindrome(const char word[], int size)
     return equal(word, word+size/2, std::string(word, word+size).rbegin());
//writes strings to file

bool palin(const string &data){

        ofstream fout("data.txt",ios::app); //open file for writing and append to it
        /* if(palindrome(word.data(), word.size()))
            { fout << word << " is a palindrome!\n";}
            { fout << word << " is NOT a palindrome!\n";}*/
        fout.close(); //close the file
        return true; //return true for success
    catch(exception &e)
        cerr<<e.what(); //write any exceptions that may occur when trying to write to file
        return false; //return false for error

bool writeFile(const string &data)
        ofstream fout("data.txt",ios::app); //open file for writing and append to it
        fout<<data<<endl; //write data to file
        fout.close(); //close the file
        return true; //return true for success
    catch(exception &e)
        cerr<<e.what(); //write any exceptions that may occur when trying to write to file
        return false; //return false for error


//read strings from file
bool readFile()
        ifstream fin("data.txt"); //open a file for reading
        string data;
        string word;
        //keep reading file until there is no more data to be read
            cout<<data<<endl; //output file data
        fin.close(); //close file
        return true; //return true for success
    catch(exception &e)
        cerr<<e.what()<<endl; //display any error that may occur
        return false;
bool operator==(const stack<char> &s1, const queue<char> &q1) {
    bool eq = true;
    stack<char> s = s1;
    queue<char> q = q1;

    if (s.size() == q.size()) {
        while ((s.empty() == false) && (eq == true)) {
            eq = (s.top() == q.front());
    } else {
        eq = false;
    return eq;

bool operator!=(const stack<char> &s, const queue<char> &q) {
    return !(s == q);

//display menu
void menu()
    string choice; //hold user choice value for menu option
    int value; //hold choice value in integer form
    string strData = ""; //writes strings to file
    //loop until the user choices 3 to exit
    stack<char> *s;
    queue<char> *q;
    string input;
    string::iterator i;
        cout<<"1. write to file"<<endl;
        cout<<"2. read file"<<endl;
        cout<<"3. exit"<<endl;
        cout<<"4. check palin"<<endl;
        cout<<"Option: ";
        getline(cin,choice); //get input from user
        stringstream(choice)>>value; //convert user input to integer
            case 1: //writes data to file
                cout<<"Write: ";
            case 2: //reads data from file
            case 3: //exit program
                case 4:
                     while (true) {
        s = new stack<char>;
        q = new queue<char>;

        cout << "> ";
        for (i = input.begin(); i != input.end(); i++) {
        cout << input << " is ";
        if (*s != *q) {
            cout << "not ";
        cout << "a palindrome." << endl;
        delete s;
        delete q;
            default: //No valid option giving

this are my coding ..what missing is delete function and loading function from menu ..i try to do it , but could not get a solution , delete function is, example inside a txt file it have data , milk , sugar ..so i want to delete the one of those , and the loading part is where u loading data from different txt file ...please help me ..i'm newbies to this kind of thing , haven't sleep for 2 days to do this thing :-(

this are my coding ..what missing is delete function and loading function from menu ..i try to do it , but could not get a solution ,

No you didn't. There is no delete function in the code at all. And for 'loading', what's readfile() do?

... and the loading part is where u loading data from different txt file ...

U? What's a U? That is not a word.
Input a file name from the user and open it instead of data.txt.

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