Basically the program is a database of student enrollments.
I cannot get the the search delete/undelete and update functions to work and need help asap. Need to implement a bool field to the delete / undelete
Please help
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
const char FILE_PATH[] = "E:\\iofile";
struct Student
*** char names [ 16 ];
*** int other;
fstream MyFile ( FILE_PATH , ios :: binary | ios :: in | ios :: out );
void createFile();
void mainMenu();
void funcSwitch();
void addRecord();
int displayRecord();
void updateRecord();
void deleteRecord();
void printRecords();
int searchRecord();
int main ( int argc, char* argv [] )
*** createFile();
*** mainMenu();
void mainMenu()
*** cout << "Welcome to School Enrolment System" << endl << endl
*** *** * << "Please enter your selection: " << endl
*** *** * << "1.** Register - New Student (Add record)" << endl
*** *** * << "2.** Look Up - Existing Student (Display record)" << endl
*** *** * << "3.** Change Details (Update record)" << endl
*** *** * << "4.** Remove Student (Delete record)" << endl
*** *** * << "5.** Show all Students (Print all)" << endl
*** *** * << "6.** Exit " << endl << endl
*** *** * << "Selection: ";
*** funcSwitch();
void funcSwitch()
** char choice;
*** choice = getch();
*** clrscr();
*** while ( choice != 54 )
** {
***** switch ( choice )
*** *** {
******** case '1' :
*********** addRecord();
*********** getch();
*** *** *** *** clrscr();
************** break;
******** case '2' :
*********** displayRecord();
*********** getch();
************** break;
******** case '3' :
*********** updateRecord();
*********** getch();
************** break;
******** case '4' :
*********** deleteRecord();
*********** getch();
************** break;
******** case '5' :
*********** printRecords();
*********** getch();
************** break;
******** case '6' :
*********** break;
******** default :
*** *** *** *** cout << choice << " is not a vaild choice" << endl << endl
*** *** *** *** *** * << "Press any key to choose again... ";
*********** getch();
*** *** *** *** clrscr();
***** }
***** mainMenu();
*** *** choice = getch();
*** *** clrscr();
** }
void addRecord()
*** Student temp;
*** cout << "Welcome new Student!" << endl
*** *** * << "We're going to set you up with a new Enrolment..." << endl
*** *** * << "All we need is a few details, let's begin: " << endl;
*** cout << endl << "Please enter first name : ";
*** cin >> temp.names;
*** cout << endl << "Please enter your age : ";
*** cin >> temp.other;
*** ( FILE_PATH , ios :: binary | ios :: app | ios :: out );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** MyFile.write ( ( const char* ) &temp, sizeof ( Student ) );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** MyFile.close();
int searchRecord()
*** return 0;
int displayRecord()
*** Student temp;
*** int age;
*** int position;
*** cout << "Enter age of person you are seeking: ";
*** cin >> age;
*** clrscr();
*** ( FILE_PATH , ios :: binary | ios :: in );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** MyFile.seekp ( position * sizeof ( Student ), ios :: beg );
*** ( ( char* ) &temp, sizeof ( Student ) );
*** if ( age != temp.other )
*** {
*** *** cout << endl << "No record found. Press any key to continue...";
*** }
*** else
*** {
*** *** cout << "We found your record: " << endl << endl
*** *** *** * << "Name: " << temp.names << endl
*** *** *** * << "Age:* " << temp.other << endl;
*** }
*** *** *cout << endl << "Press any key to continue..." << endl;
*** *** *getch();
*** *** *clrscr();
*** *** *mainMenu();
*** *** *MyFile.close();
*** *** *return 0;
void updateRecord()
*** Student temp;
*** time_t t;
*** char choice;
*** int position;
*** position = displayRecord ();
*** FILE_PATH, ios :: binary | ios :: out );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** if( position != -1 )
*** {
*** *** cout << endl << "Do you want to Update this Record( y or n )";
*** *** choice = getch();
*** }
*** if( choice == 'y' )
*** {
*** *** cout << endl << "Enter name : ";
*** *** cin >> temp.names;
*** *** cout << endl << "And your age : ";
*** *** cin >> temp.other;
*** *** FILE_PATH, ios :: binary | ios :: out );
*** *** MyFile.clear();
*** *** MyFile.seekp( position * sizeof( Student ), ios :: beg );
***** MyFile.clear();
*** *** MyFile.write( ( const char* ) &temp, sizeof( Student ) );
***** MyFile.close();
*** }
void deleteRecord()
*** Student temp;
*** char choice;
*** int position;
*** FILE_PATH, ios :: binary | ios :: in | ios :: out );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** MyFile.seekp( position * sizeof( Student ), ios :: beg );
*** ( char* )&temp, sizeof( Student ) );
*** cout << endl << endl;
*** cout << "Would you like to delete this record? Yes (y) or No (n): ";
*** cin >> choice;
*** choice = getch();
*** MyFile.seekp( position * sizeof( Student ), ios :: beg );
*** MyFile.write( ( const char* )&temp, sizeof( Student ) );
*** getch();
*** clrscr();
*** mainMenu();
*** MyFile.close();
void printRecords()
*** Student temp;
*** ( FILE_PATH , ios :: binary | ios :: in );
*** MyFile.clear();
*** ( ( char* ) &temp, sizeof ( Student ) );
*** while ( ! MyFile.eof() )
*** {
*** *** cout << "Name: " << temp.names << endl
*** *** *** * << "Age:* " << temp.other << endl << endl;
*** *** ( ( char* ) &temp, sizeof ( Student ) );
*** }
*** cout << endl << "Press any key to continue back to main menu" << endl;
*** getch();
*** clrscr();
*** mainMenu();
*** MyFile.close();
void createFile()
*** if( ! MyFile )
*** {
*** *** MyFile.close();
*** ***, ios::binary | ios::in | ios::out);
*** }
*** if ( ! MyFile )
*** {
*** *** cout << "File Error: File does not exist. Creating new file..."
*** *** *** * << endl << "Click to continue to main menu...";
*** *** getch();
*** *** clrscr();
*** }