I am trying to create a simple AI (for four in a line). I have looked online and found a few complicated AI's but they were to complex for me. I am trying to use recursion and maxDepth to create an AI to play two moves ahead.
public class AIMove {
//holds a score, column pair.
int Score;
int col;
AIMove(int s,int c)
class Connect4
byte gameBoard[][]=new byte[7][6];
//Circle[][] gameBoard = new Circle[7][6];
//the connect 4 board. 0 means empty
AIMove recursiveMinMax(byte placement, int depth, int maxDepth)
{//Find the best move for the placement. Returns column and score pair
//depth specifies current level of depth (should be passed as 0)
//maxDepth specifies the maximum depth to search
AIMove goodness = new AIMove(-120000,0);
* for i = 1 to 7
if column i is not full
drop coin into column i
value = -Goodness(-player,depth-1) / 2
remove coin from column i
if value > max
max = value
return max
AIMove value=new AIMove();
for (int i=0;i<7;i++)
{ //try putting a piece at each of 7 columns.
continue; //if column is full ignore it.
//find the row to put this piece. x is the row
int x=0;
Any help or examples will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!