code is at bottom
i have to make the program below display lettergrade next to average and ask for the grades in a loop can anyuone help me please
btw this is how im getting graded
i will get a 70 if program ask the user for the number of grade. use a loop to ask for grades and add them together.
(70 is all i need)
85: the number of grade as you go use a loop to ask for grades
ex:what is grade1?
what is grade2?
100: do the 85 except:
what is the 1st grade?
what is the 2nd grade?
what is the 3rd grade?
please somebody help me.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void output(double avg1, char lg)
cout<<" your average is "<<avg1;
double calc(int numg, double s){
return s/numg;
void input( int &numg, double &s){
int counter=0;
cout<<"enter the number of grades you will be entering"<<endl;
cout<<"what is grade "<<s*counter<<endl;
while (counter<numg);
char lettergrade(double avg){
return ('A');
else if((avg>=85) && (avg<=93)){
return ('B');
else if(avg>=77 && (avg<=85)){
return ('C');
else if((avg>=70) && (avg<=77)){
return ('D');
return ('F');
int main(){
int numgrade;
char lettergrade;
double average;
double sum;
return 0;