I am making a blackjack game in cocos2d-x here is the following code of the same where I am getting crash but can not understant why this is happening whats going wrong ? I tried several things thinking that crash might be because of string memory leak or something

CCSprite* _big = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(ptr);

Here is the card class card.h

  #ifndef __Card_H__
#define __Card_H__

#include "cocos2d.h"

class Card : public cocos2d::CCSprite
    int mValue;
    int mSuit;
    bool mHidden;
    int mGameValue;

    void init(int value, int suit);
    void UnHide();
    void Hide();



#include "Card.h"

Card::Card() {

Card::~Card() {

void Card::init(int value, int suit) {
    mValue = value;
    mSuit = suit;
    mGameValue = 0;

void Card::UnHide() {

    mHidden = false;

    char strName[64]={0};

    //memset ( strName, 0, sizeof ( strName ));

    case 0: sprintf(strName,"%s","club_big");break;
    case 1: sprintf(strName,"%s","diamond_big");break;
    case 2: sprintf(strName,"%s","spade_big");break;
    case 3: sprintf(strName,"%s","heart_big");break;
    default :

    const char *ptr = strdup(strName);  

    CCSprite* _big = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(ptr);
    delete  ptr;

   // CCSprite* big = CCSprite::create(strName);
    _big->setPosition(ccp(55, 44));

        case 0: sprintf(strName,"%s","club");break;
        case 1: sprintf(strName,"%s","diamond");break;
        case 2: sprintf(strName,"%s","spade");break;
        case 3: sprintf(strName,"%s","heart");break;
        default :

    const char *_ptr = strdup(strName); 

    CCSprite* _small = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(_ptr);
    delete _ptr;

   // CCSprite* small = CCSprite::create(str);
    _small->setPosition(ccp(16, 82));

    if(mSuit==0 || mSuit==2){
            case 1: sprintf(strName,"%s","blacka");mGameValue = 1;break;
            case 2: sprintf(strName,"%s","black2");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 3: sprintf(strName,"%s","black3");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 4: sprintf(strName,"%s","black4");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 5: sprintf(strName,"%s","black5");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 6: sprintf(strName,"%s","black6");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 7: sprintf(strName,"%s","black7");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 8: sprintf(strName,"%s","black8");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 9: sprintf(strName,"%s","black9");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 10: sprintf(strName,"%s","black10");mGameValue = mValue;break;
            case 11: sprintf(strName,"%s","blackj");mGameValue = 10;break;
            case 12: sprintf(strName,"%s","blackq");mGameValue = 10;break;
            case 13: sprintf(strName,"%s","blackk");mGameValue = 10;break;
            default :
    else {
        case 1: sprintf(strName,"%s","reda");mGameValue = 1;break;
        case 2: sprintf(strName,"%s","red2");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 3: sprintf(strName,"%s","red3");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 4: sprintf(strName,"%s","red4");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 5: sprintf(strName,"%s","red5");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 6: sprintf(strName,"%s","red6");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 7: sprintf(strName,"%s","red7");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 8: sprintf(strName,"%s","red8");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 9: sprintf(strName,"%s","red9");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 10: sprintf(strName,"%s","red10");mGameValue = mValue;break;
        case 11: sprintf(strName,"%s","redj");mGameValue = 10;break;
        case 12: sprintf(strName,"%s","redq");mGameValue = 10;break;
        case 13: sprintf(strName,"%s","redk");mGameValue = 10;break;
        default :

    const char *_ptrr = strdup(strName);    

    CCSprite* _num = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(_ptrr);
    delete _ptrr;
   // CCSprite* _num = CCSprite::create(strName);
    _num->setPosition(ccp(18, 108));

void Card::Hide() {

    mHidden = true;

Deck.h which is initializing the

#ifndef __Deck_H__
#define __Deck_H__
#include "Card.h"

class Deck
    static int mCardWidth;
    static int mCardHeight;

      Card** mCard;
      int mCardCount;

    void init();
    void PushCard(Card* card);
    Card* PopCard();
    bool Empty();
    int GetCount();
    void RestartDeck();
    void Shuffle();



and this is deck. cpp where I am intializing the Card

#include "Deck.h"
#include <iostream>


int Deck::mCardWidth = 0;
int Deck::mCardHeight = 0;
Deck::Deck() {

Deck::~Deck() {
    delete mCard;

void Deck::init() {
    CCLog("mCard init");

    mCard = NULL;
    mCardCount = 52;

        CCLog("mCard initialization");

        mCard = new Card*[52];
    for (int suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) {
            for (int value = 0; value < 13; value++) {
                Card* card = new Card;
                card->init(value+1, suit);
              mCard[suit*13 + value] = card;
    mCardWidth = mCard[mCardCount-1]->getContentSize().width;
    mCardHeight = mCard[mCardCount-1]->getContentSize().height;


void Deck::PushCard(Card* card) {
    mCard[mCardCount++] = card;

Card* Deck::PopCard() {
    if (mCardCount > 0) {
      return mCard[--mCardCount];
    return NULL;

  bool Deck::Empty() {
    return mCardCount == 0;

  int Deck::GetCount() {
      return mCardCount;

  void Deck::RestartDeck(){
      mCardCount = 52;

  void Deck::Shuffle() {
//    std::random_shuffle(mCard, mCard+52);
        CCLog("mCard Shuffle");

      int visited[52] = {0},num_array[52] = {0};
      int count = 0;
      while (count < 52) {
          int num = rand() % 52;
             if ( visited[num] == 0 ) {
                    visited[num] = 1;
                    num_array[count++] = num;
    int lastIdx = mCardCount - 1;
    int swapIdx;
    Card* swapCard;
    while (lastIdx > -1) {
      swapIdx = num_array[count++];
      swapCard = mCard[swapIdx];
      mCard[swapIdx] = mCard[lastIdx];
      mCard[lastIdx] = swapCard;


The crash I get is on the line of initWithSpriteFrameName but it random crash.
I guess its memory leak please help me with the same

Can you run it through a debugger? You should try stepping through the code using a debugger.

Otherwise, try using several printf() statements and see where it fails to print.

There are a few things to note, when you write mCard = new Card*[52]; (line 26) means you're declaring an array of 52 Card*. So in your destructor, use delete[] mCard; to properly destroy the array.

Also in lines 42-44 should be, check if mCardCount < 52

void Deck::PushCard(Card* card) {
    if (mCardCount < 52)
        mCard[mCardCount++] = card;

I've never used the cocos2d-x library but you should check the documentation of the functions you're using to make sure if you have to delete any pointers returned, because you never deleted these pointers:

CCSprite* _big = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(ptr); (line 39)
CCSprite* _small = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(_ptr); (line 57)
CCSprite* _num = CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName(_ptrr); (line 105)

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