Hi, I'm working on a quick sort for double linked list. All work except the first item. I don't know what is wrong. Can u plz help me find the error? Here is my code.

dlist_t* quick_sort(dlist_t* list)
     dlnode_t *tnode = NULL, *first = NULL, *last = NULL;

     first = list->head;
     last = list->foot;
     tnode = list->head;

        printf("Before Sort=");
        while (tnode != NULL)
        printf(" %d ", *((int *) tnode->data));
        tnode = tnode->next;
     quick_sorting(list, first, NULL);
     return list;

void quick_sorting(dlist_t *list, dlnode_t *less, dlnode_t *greater)
   dlnode_t *tnode= NULL, *pivot = NULL, *i, *next, *temp = NULL, *last = NULL;

   pivot = less -> next;
   temp = pivot;
   last = greater ? greater->next : NULL;

   if (less == greater || less->next == greater)

   for(i = pivot->next; i != last; i = next)
        next = i->next;  /*n = pivot -> next -> next*/
        list_detach(list, i);
        if ((cmp_int(i -> data, pivot-> data) == SMALLER))
            list_insert_after(less, i);
            list_insert_after(pivot, temp == pivot ? (temp = i) : i);
        tnode = list->head;

        while (tnode != NULL)
        { if(tnode == pivot) printf("->");
        printf(" %d ", *((int *) tnode->data));
        tnode = tnode->next;

   quick_sorting(list, pivot, temp);
   quick_sorting(list, less, pivot -> prev);

void list_insert_after(dlnode_t *p,dlnode_t *n)
    dlnode_t *next = NULL;
    n->prev = p; 
    n->next = p->next;
    if (p->next)
        next = p -> next;
        next->prev = n;
    p->next = n;

void list_detach(dlist_t *list,dlnode_t *n)
    dlnode_t *prev = NULL;
    if (n != list->head)
        prev = n->prev;
        prev->next = n->next;
        if (n->next)
            n->next->prev = n->prev;
        printf("Tried to detach head!");

Please provide your definition of the dlist structure. I can infer it from the code, that that is not really reliable...

Here is the code

struct dlnode
        void *data;     /* A pointer to a generic satellite data payload */
        dlnode_t *next; /* A pointer to the next item in the list */
        dlnode_t *prev; /* A pointer to the previous item in the list */

    typedef struct
        dlnode_t *head; /* A pointer to the head node of the list */
        dlnode_t *foot; /* A pointer to the foot node of the list */
        int list_len;   /* Total number of items in the list */
        int size;       /* Size of the list in bytes */
    } dlist_t;
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