webdragon89 -5 Light Poster

I have to implement Warnsdorff's Rule via an algorithm given to me by my professor. I've gotten it to work however one thing that I can't get to work is for the ending point to be one "knight's move" away from the starting point. This is my code so far.

// Project1_KnightsTour.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int BOARD[8][8] = {0}; //Tracks which squares have been touched and in what order
    int KTMOV1[8] = {-2,-1,1,2,2,1,-1,-2}; //8 possible moves from current location (I)
    int KTMOV2[8] = {1,2,2,1,-1,-2,-2,-1}; //8 possible moves from current location (J)
    int NEXTI[8] = {0}; //Possible next I coordinate
    int NEXTJ[8] = {0}; //Possible next J coordinate
    int EXITS[8] = {0}; //How many exits does each possible next square have
    int I,J,K,L; //I,J are position of knight
    int i,j; //Iterators for loops
    int min=0; //Saves pos. of next square from which there are the least # of possible exits
    int NPOS; //Tracks # of possible next squares that knight can move to

    //Read starting location
    cout << "Indicate starting position (I,J)\nI = ";
    cin >> I;
    cout << "J = ";
    cin >> J;
    //Subtract 1 from I and J for array index format
    I -= 1;
    J -= 1;
    //Set starting location
    BOARD[I][J] = 1;

    //Top Loop
    for(int M=2; M<65; M++){
        NPOS = 0;
        if(M==9) ;
        //Form list of possibilities for next square
        for(i=0; i<8; i++){
            //If next square is ON the board and hasn't been touched yet, store it as a possibility
            if(I+KTMOV1[i]<8 && I+KTMOV1[i]>-1 && J+KTMOV2[i]<8 && J+KTMOV2[i]>-1
                && BOARD[I+KTMOV1[i]][J+KTMOV2[i]] == 0){
                NEXTI[NPOS] = I+KTMOV1[i];
                NEXTJ[NPOS] = J+KTMOV2[i];

        //Test special cases
        if(NPOS==0) cout << "Failure, no more possible moves (Turn " << M << ")\n";
        if(NPOS==1) min = 0; 

        //Find next square with min exits (only if > 1 possibilities)
        for(L=0; L<NPOS && NPOS>1; L++){
            for(j=0; j<8; j++){
                //Again, Only store as possibility if next space is ON the board and untouched
                if(NEXTI[L]+KTMOV1[j]<8 && NEXTI[L]+KTMOV1[j]>-1
                    && NEXTJ[L]+KTMOV2[j]<8 && NEXTJ[L]+KTMOV2[j]>-1
                    && BOARD[NEXTI[L]+KTMOV1[j]][NEXTJ[L]+KTMOV2[j]]==0)
                    EXITS[L]++; //For each possibility keep track of how many exits
            if(EXITS[L]<EXITS[min] || L==0) //always set min on the first loop
                min = L; //Save which possibility has the least exits

        //Clear EXITS for next use
        for(i=0; i<8; i++)
            EXITS[i] = 0;

        //Move the knight: set new position I, J. And save turn number to the square on BOARD.
        I = NEXTI[min];
        J = NEXTJ[min];
        BOARD[I][J] = M;

    //Print the board
    for(i=0; i<8; i++){
        for(j=0; j<8; j++)
            cout << BOARD[i][j] << "\t";
        cout << endl;

    return 0;
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