I have a nested list, named env, created in the constructor and another method to populate an element of the grid defined as below:
class Environment(object):
def __init__(self,rowCount,columnCount):
env = [[ None for i in range(columnCount)] for j in range(rowCount) ]
return env
def addElement(self, row, column):
self[row][column] = 0
Later in the code I create an instance of Environment by running:
myEnv = createEnvironment(6,6)
Then I want to add an element to the environment by running:
So what I expected to happen was that I would receive a new Environment object as a 6x6 grid with a 0 in position 2,2 of the grid. But that did not work.
I have two errors:
1) I am unable to return anything other than None from the init method.
2) The main issue us when trying to execute addElement(2,2) I get this error:
"TypeError: 'Environment' object does not support indexing.
I looked at the getitem and setitem methods but was unable to get them working over a multidimensional list. Is there a better data structure I should be using to create a grid?