My friend and I were done with our work in math class, and threw together this little text-based rpg in like ten minutes. Anyway, we're having a small issue, everytime I press the "2" for "Fight!" the loop regenerates the random values and we mysteriously gain health that was lost in the last instance. I know this is the nature of the loop, but is there a simple way to store the temporary value of the remaining health?

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

int wepchoice;
int questchoice;
float charhealth=100;
float enemyhealth=100;
int main()
    cout << "You approach a giant robot, that is capable of killing you with one hit, but instead uses mediocre weaponry to make the game last ." << endl;
    cout<<"Choose your weapon-there's only one"<<endl;
    cout<<"1-Ye Olde Dagger"<<endl;
    cout<<"You have chosen the dagger, it does random damage!"<<endl;
    cout<<"What do you want to do? Flee or Fight?"<<endl;
    cout<<"1. Flee"<<endl;
    cout<<"2. Fight"<<endl;
    if (questchoice==1) {
    cout<<"HAHA you have failed, your village is now in flames."<<endl;

if (questchoice==2) {
srand(time (NULL));
cout<<"The enemy is attacking you!"<<endl;
float enemyattack= rand() %100 + 1;
float remhealth=charhealth-enemyattack;
cout<<"You now have "<<remhealth<<" health left"<<endl;
cout<<"You are now going to attack"<<endl;
float charattack= rand() %100 + 1;
float remhealthenemy=enemyhealth-charattack;
cout<<"The enemy has "<<remhealthenemy<<" health left."<<endl;
 while (charhealth>0);

if (charhealth<0) {
cout<<"You're dead, you lsoe."<<endl;

if (enemyhealth<0) {
cout<<"Congratulations!  YOU HAVE SAVED THE VILLAGE!"<<endl;


Line 30..
Every time the loop calculates, it calculates using your CharHealth which is still at 100!

float remhealth=charhealth-enemyattack;
charhealth = remhealth;   //Next time the loop starts, it will start with your current remaining health.

I "THINK" that's what you want. It's a bit difficult to understand your question but that's what I assume you mean. Try it and let me know how it goes.

Perfect, thanks!

oh no way you beat me!!!
ok heres the code anyway for you tidied up and corrected

    #include <iostream>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <cstdlib>

    using namespace std;

    int wepchoice;
    int questchoice;

    float charhealth=100;
    float enemyhealth=100;

    float enemyattack;
    float remhealth;

    float charattack;
    //float remhealthenemy; not needed

    int main()
        cout << "You approach a giant robot, that is capable of killing you with one hit, but instead uses mediocre weaponry to make the game last ." << endl;
        cout<<"Choose your weapon-there's only one"<<endl;
        cout<<"1-Ye Olde Dagger"<<endl;


        // Loop while character has health
        while (charhealth > 0)
            cout<<"You have chosen the dagger, it does random damage!"<<endl;
            cout<<"What do you want to do? Flee or Fight?"<<endl;
            cout<<"1. Flee"<<endl;
            cout<<"2. Fight"<<endl;


            if (questchoice == 1) 
                cout << "HAHA you have failed, your village is now in flames." << endl;
                cout << "Keep attacking..." << endl;

            if (questchoice == 2) 
                srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));

                cout << "The enemy is attacking you!" << endl;

                enemyattack = (float)(rand() %100 + 1);
                charhealth  -= enemyattack;

                cout << "You now have "<< charhealth <<" health left" << endl;
                cout << "You are now going to attack" << endl;

                charattack = (float)(rand() %100 + 1);

                enemyhealth -= charattack;
                cout << "The enemy has " << enemyhealth << " health left." << endl;

            if (charhealth <= 0) 
                cout << "You're dead, you lsoe." << endl;

            if (enemyhealth <= 0) 
                cout<<"Congratulations! YOU HAVE SAVED THE VILLAGE!"<<endl;

Hey triump, really appreciate you doing this! It works great, however, I had questions on what the unsigned int on line45 was. Also, what's going on on lines 49 and 55? Thanks again.

ok... maybe you dont need the (unsigned int) but it 'casts' the result of time fom time_t to something acceptable to srand and doesnt throw a warning in compilation. The same with the other lines you mentioned. I am casting the result to float explicitly. also in the lines after (line 50 and line 57) it basically mean var1 = var1 - var2; you just dont have to write the fist variable twice.
Happy to help...

Thanks, just did some reasearch on it, and I think I understand now. This worked out really well :D

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