Alright, so I need some more help. This time, the problem is not inherently in the code (Though I've had trouble with that thus far too).
I am currently playing around with open and close file dialogs trying to get what seems to be an out-dated "GetOpenFileName()" function to work. and this lead me down the path of what is this IFileOpenDialog this and that and other things... EVENTUALLY, I found the suggestion to use the Open Watcom compiler instead of the GCC compiler. I followed the code::blocks instructons to plug the Watcom compiler in and now I am getting the following error:
Error! E068: invalid option
Note! N746: processing command line, switch: -O2
Error: Compiler returned a bad status compiling "main.cpp"
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings
I have closed and reopened code::blocks to make sure it is consistant.
I have put deliberate syntax errors in the code and under those cases it tells me to fix them.
I have fixed them and gotten the same error message.
I just compiled and ran a working code I made a while back and got the same error
Please let me know what you (any you whom you may be) think about this and... hopefully I can get this sucker to work.
Thanks much.