I am solving the assignment by Faculty Dean.but I face with that problem

CS=1000; AX=0001; IP=0006; SP=0038;
DS=2000; BX=0004; BP=0005;
ES=4000; CX=0005; SI=0008;
SS=5000; DX=4477; DI=0009;


and another problem

footnote:these problems do not depend on each other

Aside from the fact that you are asking us to do your assignment for you (as it is a rather simple one, really), you haven't given enough information to solve it, as it depends on the contents of the memory at address 2000:0004 (technically, it also depends on the specific assembler as well, as not all x86 assemblers use quite the same syntax for memory access; in this case, I'm guessing either MASM or NASM, which are similar enough in this regard to count as the same, IIRC).

It is wr,tten enough to solve it besides, if you dont want to reply you dont so it is not neccessary for that replying ;-)

It is wr,tten enough to solve it besides

No, it's not.

besides, if you dont want to reply you dont so it is not neccessary for that replying ;-)

Then you don't mind if I just close this thread as being in violation of Daniweb's homework rule? Okay, I'll go ahead and do that. Thanks for playing.

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