how can i replace the array notation with pointer notation

        #include <math.h> 

        /*  4 */ void run_sieve(char *, int);
        /*  5 */ void print_primes(char *, int);

        /*  6 */ int main()
        /*  7 */    int i, top;
        /*  8 */    printf("compute primes up to:  ");
        /*  9 */    scanf("%d", &top);
        /* 10 */    if (top < 2)
                       /* 2 is the lowest prime */
        /* 11 */       printf("must be at least 2\n");
        /* 12 */       return 1;                                        /* error exit */
        /* 13 */    top++;                    /* want top to appear as index in array */
        /* 14 */    char *a = malloc(top*sizeof(char));         /* allocate array a[] */
        /* 15 */    for (i = 2; i < top; i++)
        /* 16 */       a[i] = 1;      /* initialize all indices as "potential primes" */
        /* 17 */    run_sieve(a, top);
        /* 18 */    print_primes(a, top);
        /* 19 */    return 0;  /* just being compulsive about a return value for main */

                 computes primes by marking positions a[i] for i
                 a composite number with 0
        /* 20 */ void run_sieve(char *a, int top)
                    /* need only remove multiples of primes of
                       i for i up to and including sqrt(top)
         int last_start = (int)sqrt(top);
        /* 22 */    int i, j;
        /* 23 */    for (i = 2; i <= last_start; i++)    /* remove multiples of i */
        /* 24 */       if (a[i])          /* need only remove multiples of primes */
        /* 25 */          for (j = 2*i; j < top; j += i)
        /* 26 */             a[j] = 0;        /* mark j as non-prime by storing 0 */

                 displays primes up to top - 1 by finding non-1
                 values in a[] and reporting their indices
        /* 27 */ void print_primes(char *a, int top)
        /* 28 */    int i, column_count = 0;
        /* 29 */    for (i = 2; i < top; i++)
        /* 30 */       if (a[i])            /* a[i] is non-0 if i is prime */
        /* 31 */          printf("%8d", i);
                          /* after 8 columns start a new line */
        /* 32 */          if (!(++column_count%8))
        /* 33 */             printf("\n");
        /* 34 */    printf("\n");


char a;
array notation:
a[i] = 1;
pointer notation:
*(a + i
sizeof(char)) = 1;

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