I'm still stuck on my number guessing game. (The program guesses the number the user inputs)I have wokred out some kinks but i am stuck again. I have a bunch of stuff but i am focused right now on getting the program past asking if the first guess of 50 is correct.
What happens is it puts out the correct statments but when i ask if the user would like to re-use the game, it will work if they say yes but it just dosent do anything if they say no. I have no errors or warnings.
Any other feedback on my code to help me would be appeciated but i can't figure out how to make it work right.
My Code:
// Project 8.4. Guesses the number the user enters between 1-100.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
int UsersNum, YesNo, HighLow, GuessedNum, Re_Use;
int main ()
cout << "Welcome to the number guessing game! \n";
cout << "I will try and guess the number you will enter. \n";
cout << "Please enter a number between 1 - 100. \n";
cin >> UsersNum;
cout << "Is your number 50? Enter 1 for Yes or enter 2 for No. \n";
cin >> YesNo;
if (YesNo == 1)
cout << "I guessed your number!Would you like to play again? Enter 1 for yes or 2 for no.\n";
cin >> Re_Use;
system ("CLS");
while (Re_Use != 2);
if (YesNo == 2)
cout << "Is it too high or too low? \n";
cout << "Enter 1 for too high or enter 2 for too low. \n";
cin >> HighLow;
switch (HighLow)
case 1:
cout << rand() % 50 + 1;
cout << " Is this your number? \n";
cin >>GuessedNum;
case 2:
cout << rand() % + 1; // (edit this so it guesses higher number)
cout << "Is this your number? Enter 1 for yes or enter 2 for no. \n";
cin >> GuessedNum;
cout << "Something was entered wrong. \n";
if (GuessedNum == 1)
cout << "I have guessed your number correctly! \n";
cout << "Would you like to play gain? Enter 1 for yes or enter 2 for no. \n";
cin >> Re_Use;
while (Re_Use != 1);
return 0;