So i am doing a program that opens a file that contains grades and shows the average, total, etc..
But at the end I am supposed to make a histogram that would look something like this

A= * *
B= * * *
C= * * * * * * *
D= * * * * *
F= * * *

So lets say that from the file i can see that 2 grades were in the A range, 3 in the B range and so on!

This is what ive been doing but i dont get any luck

// Part of code

int A= 0 ,
    if ( grade>= 90 && grade <=100)

     for (int h = 0 ; h< A; h++)
    cout << "*" << endl; 

if ( grade> 80 && grade <=89)
 for (int h = 0 ; h< B; h++)
    cout << "*" << endl;

     if ( grade> 70 && grade <=79)
 for (int h = 0 ; h< C; h++)
    cout << "*" << endl;

    // and so on......

    I get **** but theyre all next to each other.
    I tried to put <<endl; but the would then show like this

You can put a space after the asterix

Like this.
cout << "* " << endl;

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