Hey all!
I am having trouble debugging my program, and after exhausting all of my options i decided to come to you guys.
The assignment requires us to create the methods for the tes tin junit.
I have most of it working, but have a few problems, mainly with my toString() method.
I could really use some help please, any insight or clue as to why this is not working will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance! :)
Here is my code:
1) this is the term class where i need to create the methods

package poly;

public class Term
    final private int coef;
    final private int expo;

    private static Term zero, unit;

    static  {   try {   zero = new Term(0,0);       // the number zero
                        unit = new Term(1,0);       // the number one
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // constructor will not throw an exception here anyway

     * @param c The coefficient of the new term
     * @param e The exponent of the new term (must be non-negative)
     * @throws NegativeExponent 
    public Term(int c, int e) throws NegativeExponent {
        if (e <= 0) throw new NegativeExponent();
        coef = c;
        expo = (coef == 0) ? 1 : e;

    final public static Term Zero = zero;
    final public static Term Unit = unit;

     * Tests to see if the term represents a constant value
     * @return true if the term has a zero coefficient
    public boolean isConstant() {
        return false;  // unimplemented - default value false is only a placeholder

     * Tests to see if the term is equal to zero
     * @return true if the term is equal to zero
    public boolean isZero() {
        return false;  // unimplemented - default value false is only a placeholder

     * Tests to see if the term is negative
     * @return true if the coefficient is less than
    public boolean isNegative() {
        return false;  // unimplemented - default value false is only a placeholder

     * Represents a term as a string in a standard form: specification by example:
     * (An underscore represents any value)
     * (-7,0)       =>  "-7"
     * (-7,1)       =>  "-7x"
     * (-7,2)       =>  "-7x^2"
     * (-1,0)       =>  "-1"
     * (-1,1)       =>  "-x"
     * (-1,2)       =>  "-x^2"
     * (0, _)       =>  "0"
     * (1,0)        =>  "1"
     * (1,1)        =>  "x"
     * (1,2)        =>  "x^2"
     * (7,0)        =>  "7"
     * (7,1)        =>  "7x"
     * (7,2)        =>  "7x^2"
    public String toString() {
        return null;  // unimplemented - default value null is only a placeholder

    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        return false;  // unimplemented - default value false is only a placeholder

     * Negates a term
     * @return a new term with the original coefficient negated
     * @throws CoefficientOverflow 
    public Term negate() throws CoefficientOverflow {
        return null;  // unimplemented - default value null is only a placeholder

     * Multiplies a term by a scalar amount
     * @param m The value to multiply by
     * @return a new Term whose coefficient is the original coefficient multiplied by scale
     * @throws CoefficientOverflow 
    public Term scale(int m) throws CoefficientOverflow {
        return null;  // unimplemented - default value null is only a placeholder

     * Multiplies two terms together
     * @param that represents the term to be multiplied by
     * @return a new Term whose coefficient is the product of the two terms, and whose exponent is the sum of the two terms
     * @throws CoefficientOverflow 
     * @throws ExponentOverflow 
    public Term times(Term that) throws CoefficientOverflow, ExponentOverflow {
        return null;  // unimplemented - default value null is only a placeholder

     * Adds two terms together
     * Precondition: The two exponents must be equal for this to be valid
     * @param thats represent the term to be added
     * @return a new Term whose coefficient is the sum of the two original coefficients
     * @throws CoefficientOverflow 
     * @throws IncompatibleTerms 
    public Term add(Term that) throws CoefficientOverflow, IncompatibleTerms {
        return null;  // unimplemented - default value null is only a placeholder

2)this is the class test that i am stuck on

package poly;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

// version 3

import org.junit.Test;

public class ConEqTest
    private int min = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    private int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    /* Testing the constructor
     * Values for coefficient:
     *      min
     *      -7
     *      0
     *      7
     *      max
     * Values for exponent:
     *      -1
     *      0
     *      9
     *      max
     * Combinations for test cases:
     *      con1    (min,9)     ok
     *      con2    (-7,9)      ok
     *      con3    (0,9)       ok
     *      con4    (7,9)       ok
     *      con5    (max,9)     ok
     *      con6    (7, -1)     NegativeExponent
     *      con7    (7,0)       ok
     *      con8    (7,9)       ok
     *      con9    (7,max)     ok

    @Test                                       public void con1() throws TError { new Term(min,9); }

    @Test                                       public void con2() throws TError { new Term(-7,9); }

    @Test                                       public void con3() throws TError { new Term(0,9); }

    @Test                                       public void con4() throws TError { new Term(7,9); }

    @Test                                       public void con5() throws TError { new Term(max,9); }

    @Test (expected = NegativeExponent.class)   public void con6() throws TError { new Term(7,-1); }

    @Test                                       public void con7() throws TError { new Term(7,0); }

    @Test                                       public void con8() throws TError { new Term(7,9); }

    @Test                                       public void con9() throws TError { new Term(7,max); }

    /* Testing equality
     * Future tests will need to use assertEquals between Terms.  Therefore it is essential to have
     * confidence in the equals method() before any tests using assertEquals() are run.
     * Valid term valid coefficient categories: less than zero,   zero,   greater than zero
     * Valid term valid exponent categories:    zero,   greater than zero
     * Invalid term category:                   exponent less than zero,   null object,   non-Term objects
     * Equality category:                       equivalent terms,   diff coefficients,   diff exponents 
     * The receiving object (this) must be a valid term if the constructor itself is working properly.
     * The parameter object (that) must be a valid term if it is a Term object
     * Nevertheless we will incorporate some tests in which we attempt to construct invalid Term objects
     *  Valid terms that are equivalent:
     *      eq01    (-10,0)     (-10,0)     =>  true
     *      eq02    (0,0)       (0,0)       =>  true
     *      eq03    (0,0)       (0,2)       =>  true
     *      eq04    (10,0)      (10,0)      =>  true
     *      eq05    (-10,2)     (-10,2)     =>  true
     *      eq06    (0,2)       (0,0)       =>  true
     *      eq07    (0,2)       (0,2)       =>  true
     *      eq08    (10,2)      (10,2)      =>  true
     *  Valid terms that are not equivalent
     *      eq09    (-10,0)     (0,0)       =>  false
     *      eq10    (-10,0)     (10,0)      =>  false
     *      eq11    (0,0)       (-10,0)     =>  false
     *      eq12    (0,0)       (10,0)      =>  false
     *      eq13    (10,0)      (-10,0)     =>  false
     *      eq14    (10,0)      (0,0)       =>  false
     *      eq15    (-10,0)     (-10,2)     =>  false
     *      eq16    (10,0)      (10,2)      =>  false
     *  Invalid objects
     *      eq17    (10,2)      null        =>  false
     *      eq18    (10,2)      "junk"      =>  false
     *      eq19    (10,2)      (10,-2)     =>  NegativeExponent
     *      eq20    (0,0)       null        => false
     *  Testing Zero
     *      eq21    Test.Zero   (0,1)       => true
     *      eq22    Test.Zero   (0,0)       => true

    public void eq01() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(-10,0).equals(new Term(-10,0))); }

    public void eq02() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,0).equals(new Term(0,0))); }

    public void eq03() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,0).equals(new Term(0,2))); }

    public void eq04() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(10,0).equals(new Term(10,0))); }

    public void eq05() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(-10,2).equals(new Term(-10,2))); }

    public void eq06() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,2).equals(new Term(0,0))); }

    public void eq07() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,2).equals(new Term(0,2))); }

    public void eq08() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(10,2).equals(new Term(10,2))); }

    public void eq09() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(-10,0).equals(new Term(0,0))); }

    public void eq10() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(-10,0).equals(new Term(10,0))); }

    public void eq11() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(0,0).equals(new Term(-10,0))); }

    public void eq12() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(0,0).equals(new Term(10,0))); }

    public void eq13() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,0).equals(new Term(-10,0))); }

    public void eq14() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,0).equals(new Term(0,0))); }

    public void eq15() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(-10,0).equals(new Term(-10,2))); }

    public void eq16() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,0).equals(new Term(10,2))); }

    public void eq17() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,2).equals(null)); }

    public void eq18() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,2).equals("junk")); }

    @Test(expected = NegativeExponent.class)
    public void eq19() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(10,2).equals(new Term(10,-2))); }

    public void eq20() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(0,0).equals(null)); }

    public void eq21() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero, new Term(0,1)); }

    public void eq22() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero, new Term(0,0)); }

    /* Check the predicate functions
     *      zero1       isZero(zero)            =>      true
     *      zero2       isZero(unit)            =>      false
     *      zero3       isZero((0,5))           =>      true
     *      zero4       isZero((5,0))           =>      false

     public void zero1() throws TError { assertTrue(Term.Zero.isZero()); }

     public void zero2() throws TError { assertFalse(Term.Unit.isZero()); }

     public void zero3() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,5).isZero()); }

     public void zero4() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(5,0).isZero()); }

     *      neg1        isNegative(zero)        =>      false
     *      neg2        isNegative(unit)        =>      false
     *      neg3        isNegative(-1,0)        =>      true
     *      neg4        isNegative(min,2)       =>      true
     *      neg5        isNegative(max,2)       =>      false

     public void neg1() throws TError { assertFalse(Term.Zero.isNegative()); }

     public void neg2() throws TError { assertFalse(Term.Unit.isNegative()); }

     public void neg3() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(-1,2).isNegative()); }

     public void neg4() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(Integer.MIN_VALUE,2).isNegative()); }

     public void neg5() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(Integer.MAX_VALUE,2).isNegative()); }

     *      const1      isConstant(zero)        =>      true
     *      const2      isConstant(unit)        =>      true
     *      const3      isConstant(0,5)         =>      true
     *      const4      isConstant(5,1)         =>      false

     public void const1() throws TError { assertTrue(Term.Zero.isConstant()); }

     public void const2() throws TError { assertTrue(Term.Unit.isConstant()); }

     public void const3() throws TError { assertTrue(new Term(0,5).isConstant()); }

     public void const4() throws TError { assertFalse(new Term(5,1).isConstant()); }

3) this is the toostring test class i am stuck on

package poly;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

// Version 3
// Updated test ts03  to include the correct string assertEquals("-7x^2",   new Term(-7,2).toString() );

public class ToStringTest

    /* Testing the toString method
     * ts01     (-7,0)      =>  "-7"
     * ts02     (-7,1)      =>  "-7x"
     * ts03     (-7,2)      =>  "-7x^2"
     * ts04     (-1,0)      =>  "-1"
     * ts05     (-1,1)      =>  "-x"
     * ts06     (-1,2)      =>  "-x^2"
     * ts07     (0, 0)      =>  "0"
     * ts08     (0, 1)      =>  "0"
     * ts09     (0, 2)      =>  "0"
     * ts10     (1,0)       =>  "1"
     * ts11     (1,1)       =>  "x"
     * ts12     (1,2)       =>  "x^2"
     * ts13     (7,0)       =>  "7"
     * ts14     (7,1)       =>  "7x"
     * ts15     (7,2)       =>  "7x^2"

    public void ts01() throws TError { assertEquals("-7",       new Term(-7,0).toString() ); }

    public void ts02() throws TError { assertEquals("-7x",      new Term(-7,1).toString() ); }

    public void ts03() throws TError { assertEquals("-7x^2",    new Term(-7,2).toString() ); }

    public void ts04() throws TError { assertEquals("-1",       new Term(-1,0).toString() ); }

    public void ts05() throws TError { assertEquals("-x",       new Term(-1,1).toString() ); }

    public void ts06() throws TError { assertEquals("-x^2",     new Term(-1,2).toString() ); }

    public void ts07() throws TError { assertEquals("0",        new Term(0,0).toString() ); }

    public void ts08() throws TError { assertEquals("0",        new Term(0,1).toString() ); }

    public void ts09() throws TError { assertEquals("0",        new Term(0,2).toString() ); }

    public void ts10() throws TError { assertEquals("1",        new Term(1,0).toString() ); }

    public void ts11() throws TError { assertEquals("x",        new Term(1,1).toString() ); }

    public void ts12() throws TError { assertEquals("
    ^2",        new Term(1,2).toString() ); }

    public void ts13() throws TError { assertEquals("7",        new Term(7,0).toString() ); }

    public void ts14() throws TError { assertEquals("7x",       new Term(7,1).toString() ); }

    public void ts15() throws TError { assertEquals("7x^2",     new Term(7,2).toString() ); }


3)finally the other class i am stuck on ..

package poly;

// Version 3

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.Test;

public class NegateScaleTest
    private int min = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    private int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    /* Testing the negate method
     * Fix a standard exponent (use 2)
     * neg1     (min,2)     =>  Overflow
     * neg2     (-7,2)      =>  (7,2)
     * neg3     (0,2)       =>  (0,2)
     * neg4     (7,2)       =>  (-7,2)
     * neg5     (max,2)     =>  (-max,2)

    @Test (expected = CoefficientOverflow.class)
    public void negate1() throws TError {                                new Term(min,2).negate(); }

    public void negate2() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(7,2),    new Term(-7,2).negate()); }

    public void negate3() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,        new Term(0,2).negate()); }

    public void negate4() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-7,2),   new Term(7,2).negate()); }

    public void negate5() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-max,2), new Term(max,2).negate()); }

    /* Testing the scalar multiply method
     * Fix a standard exponent (use 2)
     *  Input Domain Modelling:
     *      Choose coefficient values:
     *          min
     *          -7
     *          -1
     *           0
     *           1
     *           7      <- typical value
     *          max
     *      Choose multiplier values:
     *          min
     *         -10
     *          -1
     *           0
     *           1
     *          10      <- typical value
     *          max
     *      scale01     (7,2)   *   min     =>  Overflow
     *      scale02     (7,2)   *   -10     =>  (-70,2)
     *      scale03     (7,2)   *   -1      =>  (-7,2)
     *      scale04     (7,2)   *   0       =>  0
     *      scale05     (7,2)   *   1       =>  (7,2)
     *      scale06     (7,2)   *   10      =>  (70,2)
     *      scale07     (7,2)   *   max     =>  Overflow
     *      scale08     (min,2) *   10      -> Overflow
     *      scale09     (-7,2)  *   10      -> (-70,2)
     *      scale10     (-1,2)  *   10      -> (-10,2)
     *      scale11     (0,2)   *   10      -> 0
     *      scale12     (1,2)   *   10      -> (10,2)
     *      scale13     (7,2)   *   10      -> (70,2)
     *      scale14     (max,2) *   10      -> Overflow

    @Test (expected = CoefficientOverflow.class)
    public void scale01() throws TError {                                       new Term(7,2).scale(min); }

    public void scale02() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-70,2),         new Term(7,2).scale(-10)); }

    public void scale03() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-7,2),          new Term(7,2).scale(-1)); }

    public void scale04() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,               new Term(7,2).scale(0)); }

    public void scale05() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(7,2),           new Term(7,2).scale(1)); }

    public void scale06() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(70,2),          new Term(7,2).scale(10)); }

    @Test (expected = CoefficientOverflow.class)
    public void scale07() throws TError {                                       new Term(7,2).scale(max); }

    @Test (expected = CoefficientOverflow.class)
    public void scale08() throws TError {                                       new Term(min,2).scale(10); }

    public void scale09() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-70,2),         new Term(-7,2).scale(10)); }

    public void scale10() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-10,2),         new Term(-1,2).scale(10)); }

    public void scale11() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,               new Term(0,2).scale(10)); }

    public void scale12() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(10,2),          new Term(1,2).scale(10)); }

    public void scale13() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(70,2),          new Term(7,2).scale(10)); }

    @Test (expected = CoefficientOverflow.class)
    public void scale14() throws TError {                                       new Term(max,2).scale(10); }

     *  Output Domain Modellng:
     *      Output coefficient values:
     *          min
     *          min+1
     *          -10
     *          -1
     *          0
     *          1
     *          10
     *          max-1
     *          max
     *      scale15     (min,2)         *   1       =>  (min,2)
     *      scale16     (min/2,2)       *   2       =>  (min,2)
     *      scale17     (min+1,2)       *   1       =>  (min+1,2)
     *      scale18     (2,2)           *   -5      =>  (-10,2)
     *      scale19     (1,2)           *   -1      =>  (-1,2)
     *      scale20     (0,2)           *   min     =>  0           ( experiential test - "error guessing")
     *      scale21     (0,2)           *   max     =>  0           ( ditto )
     *      scale22     (0,2)           *   0       =>  0           ( ditto )
     *      scale23     (0,2)           *   1       =>  0           ( ditto )
     *      scale24     (1,2)           *   1       =>  (1,2)
     *      scale25     ((max-1)/14)    *   14      =>  (max-1,2)
     *      scale26     (max,2)         *   1       =>  (max,2)

    public void scale15() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(min,2),     new Term(min,2).scale(1)); }

    public void scale16() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(min,2),     new Term(min/2,2).scale(2)); }

    public void scale17() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(min+1,2),   new Term(min+1,2).scale(1)); }

    public void scale18() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-10,2),     new Term(2,2).scale(-5)); }

    public void scale19() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(-1,2),      new Term(1,2).scale(-1)); }

    public void scale20() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,           new Term(0,2).scale(min)); }

    public void scale21() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,           new Term(0,2).scale(max)); }

    public void scale22() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,           new Term(0,2).scale(0)); }

    public void scale23() throws TError { assertEquals(Term.Zero,           new Term(0,2).scale(1)); }

    public void scale24() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(1,2),       new Term(1,2).scale(1)); }

    public void scale25() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(max-1,2),   new Term((max-1)/14,2).scale(14)); }

    public void scale26() throws TError { assertEquals(new Term(max,2),     new Term(max,2).scale(1)); }


Thank you In advance for Everyones Help

So what have you done in the Term class implementation so far? The posted code of the class right now is not completed. Also, your constructor for exponential value is equal to 0 doesn't sound right. When x^0 is always equal to 1 which is 1^1 (coefficient is 1 and exponential is 1). Therefore, it should allow the exponential value of 0.

For equals() method, you may need to think whether or not you would allow any inheritant class to be compared. The easiest way is to not allow it. If the incoming is not the same class as Term, always return false. Then you would attempt to compare the Term coefficient & exponential.

Once you finish with equals(), you could use the method to test other methods...

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