I have a loop to look for the key i.d. "veh2." The loop is there because even though the next line in the text file is where it should be, it is not there in all cases. The problem I'm having as far as wording or a way to go about it is what if instead there is the key i.d. "veh1?

Do While (line_text.Substring(0, 4).ToString <> "VEH2")
          line_text = myreader.ReadLine
Do While line_text.Length < 3
         line_text = myreader.ReadLine()

How do I go about forgetting to search for VEH2 and instead deal with the text after VEH1 (if it is in fact there)?

Sorry, I cannot understand your question, do you mind explaining? Thank you.

I'm trying to figure out how I can wrap a conditional 'IF' statement within the loop to say if the substring is equal to VEH1, then 'do this.' Otherwise, if the substring is equal to VEH2 than 'do that.' No matter how I put the statement, I keep getting a null exception error. Hope this helps. I can put in more of my code if needed too.

Did you try this?

Do While (line_text.Substring(0, 4)ToString <> "VEH2") Or (line_text.Substring(0, 4)ToString <> "VEH1")
    line_text = myreader.ReadLine
    If (line_text.Substring(0, 4)ToString <> "VEH1") then
        Do While line_text.Length < 3
            line_text =  myreader.ReadLine()
        Do While line_text.Length < 3
            line_text =  myreader.ReadLine()

Line 3-11 is you if statement.

Thank you. It was just a simple, not wrapping the if statement in the correct location.

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