i need help i thought i was doing it right but later when i looked at data it turned out to be something else

I have 4 lines of code that i want to convert to single line list comprehension

  for each in os.listdir(locationTxt):
          if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(locationTxt,each)):
             if each not in hideTheseFolders:#hide directory in scrolllist
             for nfile in ["ma","jpg","png","mb",'iff','tga','tif']:
              if each.endswith(nfile):

and I want to write in just one line,

`for  each in [each for each in os.listdir(locationTxt) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(locationTxt,each)) and each not in hideTheseFolders]:
for nfile in ["ma","jpg","png","mb",'iff','tga','tif']:
              if each.endswith(nfile):

and hideTheseFolders is a list that has...

 ["thumb",".thumb",".mayaSwatches","RECYCLER","$AVG","$Recycle.Bin","$RECYCLE.BIN","INCINERATE","Config.Msi","System Volume Information","Recovery","ProgramData","PROGRAMDATA","PerfLogs"]

but instead of just filtering out these folders I end up with just the folders and no file is visible..

pls help adding files of the jpg, tif or png and the folders to the newLst list...

# add jpg, tif or png and the folders to the newLst
newLst += [file for file in thisdir if os.path.isdir(file) or file.endswith(('.jpg', '.tif', '.png'))]

what makes u think it works.?


import os
newLst = []
thisdir = os.listdir('.')
# add jpg, tif or png and the folders to the newLst
newLst += [file for file in thisdir if os.path.isdir(file) or file.endswith(('.jpg', '.tif', '.png'))]
print newLst
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