Hi, I seem to be having some trouble converting the output of this(which is a list) to a string of integers. What I want ultimately is for the output to just be integers. After that I also need to determine how many times an integer appears. I know I need to use the count function, but idk how to put it together. Example if the integer "10" appears four times I need an ouput that says it appears four times, and "9" appears 1 time, etc. Thanks!

file = open ('grade.txt', 'r')

while s[0:3]!="EOF":
    if lst[0][0]!='I':


use int(mystring)

Hi, yes i have tried the int(mystring), but I keep getting an "error invalid literal for int() with base 10"

file = open ('grade.txt', 'r')

while s[0:3]!="EOF":
    if lst[0][0]!='I':
        x = grade.append(lst[5])
        y = str(x)
        z = int(y)


And what is the type and value of the y? Line 9 does not make sense for me, because what is value of x after line 8?

sorry I just really need the output to be a string of integers

file = open ('grade.txt', 'r')

while s[0:3]!="EOF":
    if lst[0][0]!='I':

string_grades = str(grade)

Based on previous post this is your output.
[' 6', ' 4.5', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10']

#string_grades = str(grade)
print([float(i) for i in grade]) # [6.0, 4.5, 10.0, 4.0, 10.0]
print([i.strip() for i in grade]) #Clean string list ['6', '4.5', '10', '4', '10']
print(','.join([i.strip() for i in grade])) #Only string 6,4.5,10,4,10

You have made code worse,follow advice you did get in previous post.
Do not use readline() two times and do not use file as variable name,file is a reserved word used by python.

With some Pythonic power it can also look like this.

with open('grade.txt', 'r') as inFile:
    lst = [i.strip().split(',') for i in inFile]
    print [float(i) for i in lst[1][-5:]] #[6.0, 5.5, 8.0, 10.0, 8.5]

hi, yes the output i needed was the Assignment 1 grades(inside the list) which is why i put it into a list so i can extract the A1 grades. I just need the output [' 6', ' 4.5', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10'] to be (' 6', ' 4', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10') or a string, taking out the decimals,etc.

Something like this

['ID ', ' Last ', ' First', ' Lecture', ' Tutorial', ' A1', ' A2', ' A3', ' A4', ' A5\n']
['10034567', ' Smith', ' Winston', ' L01', ' T03', ' 6', ' 5.5', ' 8', ' 10', ' 8.5\n']
['10045678', ' Lee', ' Bruce', ' L02', ' T05', ' 4.5', ' 6.5', ' 7', ' 7', ' 8.5\n']
['00305678', ' Obama', ' Jack', ' L01', ' T05', ' 10', ' 10', ' 9', ' 9.5', ' 10\n']
['00567890', ' Brown', ' Palin', ' L02', ' T03', ' 4', ' 7.5', ' 6.5', ' 0', ' 5\n']
['10012134', ' Harper', ' Ed', ' L01', ' T03', ' 10', ' 9', ' 7.5', ' 10', ' 6.5\n']
['10014549', ' Johnson', ' Andrew', ' L01', ' T05', ' 10', ' 0', ' 10', ' 5.5', ' 7\n']
['10020987', ' Clockwork', ' Milan', ' L02', ' T03', ' 10', ' 8.5', ' 8', ' 9', ' 9\n']
['10021234', ' Freeman', ' Skyski', ' L01', ' T02', ' 0', ' 10', ' 10', ' 10', ' 8.5\n']
(' 6', ' 4', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10', ' 10', ' 10', ' 0')

I just need the output [' 6', ' 4.5', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10'] to be (' 6', ' 4', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10')

>>> lst = [' 6', ' 4.5', ' 10', ' 4', ' 10'] 
>>> [str(int(float(i))) for i in lst] 
['6', '4', '10', '4', '10']
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