I am using javaCC to parse through sql statements and put the data in corresponding lists. I have made the grammar for a create table that works well but now I need help on making a insert statement grammar.
This is the create table grammar that I have used but I don't have anything to go off to make an insert statement or select so any suggestions would help.
STATIC = false ;
package sqlParserDemo;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
class SqlParser {
ArrayList<TableStruct> initParser()throws ParseException, TokenMgrError
{ return(init()) ; }
PARSER_END (SqlParser)
SKIP: { "\n" | "\r" | "\r\n" |"\\"|"\t"|" "}
<CTCMD :("Create Table")>
|<NUMBER :(["0"-"9"])+ >
|<TNAME:(["a"-"z"])+ >
SPECIAL_TOKEN : {<COMMENT:("#")+(<TNAME>)+("#")+>}
ArrayList<TableStruct> init():
Token T;
ArrayList<TableStruct> tableList = new ArrayList<TableStruct>();
TableStruct tableStruct;
{ tableStruct = new TableStruct ();
tableStruct.TableName = T.image ;}
tableStruct.Variables = Variables()
{tableList.add (tableStruct) ;}
{return tableList;}
HashMap Variables():
Token TName;
Token TType;
HashMap<String,String> var = new HashMap<String, String>();
TName = <TNAME>
TType = DType()
{return var;}
Token DType():
Token TDType;
{return TDType;}
Thanks in advance