Hello, I'm making a linked list and when i try to make a member function to return a new object
i keep getting an error reading: "‘node’ does not name a type". I think im writing the function
wrong, any help would great.

#include <iostream>

class list
      class node
            int data;
            node *next;

      list() : head(0) {}
      bool isempty() const;
      void print() const;
      void push_back(int);
      node *new_node(int); 

//function to return a new node
node *list::new_node(int v) ///////////error here
   node *temp = new node;
   temp->data = v;
   temp->next = 0;

   return temp;

   node *temp = head;
   node *tmp;

   while(temp != 0)
      tmp = temp;
      temp = temp->next;
      delete tmp;

//check if list is empty
bool list::isempty() const
   return head == 0;

//print list
void list::print() const
   node *temp = head;

   while(temp != 0)
      std::cout << temp->data << std::endl;
      temp = temp->next;

   std::cout << std::endl;

//push back into list
void list::push_back(int v)
   node *temp = new_node(v);

      head = temp;
      temp->next = head;
      head = temp;

int main()
   using namespace std;

   list test;



   return 0;

There is the error to here.

list::node *list::new_node(int v) ///////////error here
    node *temp = new node;
    temp->data = v;
    temp->next = 0;
    return temp;

If the return type was the list::node, the compiler would not known the node type.

Should your class name be called "list"...?

What kind of error are you receiving, run-time or compile time? May I know the IDE you are using and its version?

thank you acecode, i needed to add "list::node".

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