Trying to make a little space exploration game, and I'm just testing some planet data stuff, and it won't work. I don't get any errors until I compile it, then I get an error message saying that "vector subscript" is out of range.


#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

void seed();
int getrandomint(int from, int to);
bool getrandomresult(int probability);
struct planet;
struct star;
struct starsystem;
void createuniverse();

vector<starsystem> systems;
bool hasseeded = false;
bool running = true;
#include "functions.h"

int main(void)

    int prob;

    while (running)
        string input;
        cout << "Welcome to space console 143. What do you want to do?" << endl;
        cin >> input;

        if (input == "requestsystemdata")
            int system;
            cout << "Specify system: ";
            cin >> system;

            cout << "Data for system " << system << ":" << endl;
            cout << "Planet count: " << systems[system].planetcount << endl;
            cout << "Diameter: " << systems[system].diameter << " million km" << endl;
            cout << "Sun data: " << endl << "Sun core temp: " << systems[system].sun.coretemp << "million degrees" << endl;
            cout << "Sun age: " << systems[system].sun.age << "billion years" << endl << endl;

            cout << "Unknown command." << endl << endl;




#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;


void seed()

int getrandomint(int from, int to)
    return rand() % ((to + 1) - from) + from;


bool getrandomresult(int probability)
    int rndnumber = getrandomint(1, 100);
    if (rndnumber <= probability)
        return true;
        return false;


struct planet
    bool haslife;
    string name;
    long population;
    int intelligence;
    int radprotection;
    int mineralworth;
    double orbitaldistance;
    double distancefromearth;
    double gravity;
    int diameter;
    int surfacetemp;
    double massbase;
    int massexp;
    int rating;

struct star
    int diameter;
    int surfacetemp;
    int coretemp;
    int type;
    int age;

struct starsystem
    string name;
    int planetcount;
    planet planets[20];
    star sun;
    int diameter;


void createuniverse()
    for (int index = 1; index <= 10000; index++)
        systems[index].planetcount = getrandomint(1, 20);
        systems[index].diameter = (getrandomint(1, 30) * systems[index].planetcount);
        systems[index].sun.age = getrandomint(1, 20);
        systems[index].sun.coretemp = getrandomint(1, 30);
        systems[index].sun.diameter = getrandomint(1, 2000);



vector::reserve does NOT initialize the vector with the structures, reserve() only allocates memory for them. Your program still must call vector::push_back() or vector::insert()

The second problem with your function is that the first element of all arrays (vector is an array) is 0, not 1. And the max element index is 10000-1 So the loop needs to be modified as shown in my code below. I did not check the rest of your program for this problem, I figured you can do that yourself.

Finally, you should be into the habit of declaring const int to refer to constant values that are used throughout the program. 10000 is a good candidate for that because if you want to change it to some other value you will have to change it in quite a few places. Declaring const int at the beginning of the program makes all that a lot simpler and error free.

cont int maxSize = 10000;
void createuniverse()
    for (int index = 0; index < maxSize; index++)
        starsystem sys;
        systems[index].planetcount = getrandomint(1, 20);;
        systems[index].diameter = (getrandomint(1, 30) * systems[index].planetcount);
        systems[index].sun.age = getrandomint(1, 20);
        systems[index].sun.coretemp = getrandomint(1, 30);
        systems[index].sun.diameter = getrandomint(1, 2000);


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