Al slam A'lykom ..
its kinda freaky to me .. cuz its my first year in c++ ( in fact its few months not even a year ) and i have a project , and its to create an ATM program that asks the user if he is new or existing user , so i need a something to save the information in .. and recall it again to use it when the user enters the account number and the password .
so i used the fstream and sstream to create text files multiple text files but there is a few problems :D
1- i want every time the program runs , i want it to create a new file contains the user information not to create the same file and rewrite the information every time
2- i need to recall that file to check the account number and the password .
so is there a kinda way to create database and use it for this program and how ?
sorry for prolong .. and hope you help me :)