Hi guys,

Do you have some sort of guidelines on how a user is notified that there's a new upgraded revision of the application (assembly information) or set-up files? The situation is like this, I have created a vb.net application and created a set-up file using VS2008. Now everytime I made any changes to my application, I want the user of the application to be alerted that a new version for the application is available.

Currently, I am using the ClickOnce Application Deployment Manifest in which it is upgrading any changes that I made to my application after it is being published. I'd be very grateful to know how can this be done using the Set-up and Deployment Project in VS2008.



When Using Click Once:
If you set the application to automaticly update in the publish settings, the next time the user starts the application - it will simply auto update for them.

When using S&D packages:
You must create a setup.exe for the application for every release

When I used to write apps for a living, the problem was keeping the users current. I couldn't push out the updates because a lot of the users had laptops and I could never predict when they'd be on the network. My solution was to put a script under the app icon instead of the app itself. The script would copy any new modules from the repository before launching the actual app.

I'm sure there are more modern ways to do this but I used what was available at the time. It was simple and it worked.

@Begginerdev: So does that mean everytime I create a set-up file for every application release it will automatically prompt a notification update to the users every time they open the application?

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