Okay, so my hurdle here is to Serialize a list that has a bunch of objects in them, write them to a file, and be able to open the file to load the list of objects back into a listbox. I've read the MSDN articles and browsed some Forums, but everything about this is way over my head, and I've never touched Serialization before. I've got everything laid out, I think, but some guidance would be greatly appreciated.

// Main.CS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace AlfordScottFinalProgrammingProject
    public partial class Main : Form
        public Main()

        // Fields
        public List<VehicleClass.Automobile> MyVehicles = new List<VehicleClass.Automobile>();
        public VehicleClass.Car car = new VehicleClass.Car();
        public VehicleClass.SportsCar sportscar = new VehicleClass.SportsCar();
        public VehicleClass.Truck truck = new VehicleClass.Truck();
        public VehicleClass.MiniVan minivan = new VehicleClass.MiniVan();
        public bool isCar = false;
        public bool isSportsCar = false;
        public bool isTruck = false;
        public bool isMiniVan = false;

        // Save File Element
        private void saveToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string SavePath = @"C:\CarFile\";
            if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(SavePath))
                MessageBox.Show("Please check permissions");
                SavePath += ("My_Car_File");
                SavePath = System.IO.Path.ChangeExtension(SavePath, ".xml");
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(SavePath))


        // Load File Element
        private void loadToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog();
            DialogResult dr = ofd.ShowDialog();
            if (dr != DialogResult.OK) return;
            var x = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(VehicleClass));
            using (var sw = new StreamReader(ofd.FileName))
                // Load from File

        // Exit Program Element
        private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        // Create New Car Button
        public void btnNewCar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            CarForm NewCarDLG = new CarForm();
                VehicleClass.Car myCar = new VehicleClass.Car();
                myCar = NewCarDLG.getCar();

        // Create New Sports Car Button
        private void btnNewSportsCar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            SportsCarForm NewSportsCarDLG = new SportsCarForm();
                VehicleClass.SportsCar mySportsCar = new VehicleClass.SportsCar();
                mySportsCar = NewSportsCarDLG.getSportsCar();

        // Create New Truck Button
        private void btnNewTruck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            TruckForm NewTruckDLG = new TruckForm();
                VehicleClass.Truck myTruck = new VehicleClass.Truck();
                myTruck = NewTruckDLG.getTruck();

        // Create New Minivan Button
        private void btnNewMinivan_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MinivanForm NewMinivanDLG = new MinivanForm();
                VehicleClass.MiniVan myMiniVan = new VehicleClass.MiniVan();
                myMiniVan = NewMinivanDLG.getMiniVan();

        // Listbox Selector
        private void lsbAutomobiles_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Car
            if (MyVehicles[lsbAutomobiles.SelectedIndex]._type == "Car")
                isCar = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnWashVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                isSportsCar = false;
                isTruck = false;
                isMiniVan = false;

            // Sports Car
            if (MyVehicles[lsbAutomobiles.SelectedIndex]._type == "Sports Car")
                isCar = false;
                isSportsCar = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnWashVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                isTruck = false;
                isMiniVan = false;

            // Truck
            if (MyVehicles[lsbAutomobiles.SelectedIndex]._type == "Truck")
                isCar = false;
                isSportsCar = false;
                isTruck = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnWashVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                isMiniVan = false;

            // Minivan
            if (MyVehicles[lsbAutomobiles.SelectedIndex]._type == "MiniVan")
                isCar = false;
                isSportsCar = false;
                isTruck = false;
                isMiniVan = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnWashVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;

        // Vehicle Actions - Start Vehicle
        private void btnStartVehicle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Car - Start Vehicle
            if (isCar == true)
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Sports Car - Start Vehicle
            if (isSportsCar == true)
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Truck - Start Vehicle
            if (isTruck == true)
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = true; 
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Minivan - Start Vehicle
            if (isMiniVan == true)
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;

        // Vehicle Actions - Drive Vehicle
        private void btnDriveVehicle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Car - Drive Vehicle
            if (isCar == true)
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Sports Car - Drive Vehicle
            if (isSportsCar == true)
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Truck - Drive Vehicle
            if (isTruck == true)
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Minivan - Drive Vehicle
            if (isMiniVan == true)
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

        // Vehicle Actions - Drive Vehicle
        private void btnParkVehicle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Car - Drive Vehicle
            if (isCar == true)
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Sports Car - Park Vehicle
            if (isSportsCar == true)
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Truck - Park Vehicle
            if (isTruck == true)
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

            // Minivan - Park Vehicle
            if (isMiniVan == true)
                btnStartVehicle.Enabled = true;
                btnParkVehicle.Enabled = false;
                btnDriveVehicle.Enabled = false;

        // Vehicle Actions - Wash Vehicle
        private void btnWashVehicle_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Car - Wash Vehicle
            if (isCar == true)

            // Sports Car - Wash Vehicle
            if (isSportsCar == true)

            // Truck - Wash Vehicle
            if (isTruck == true)

            // Minivan - Wash Vehicle
            if (isMiniVan == true)


// VehicleClass.cs
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace AlfordScottFinalProgrammingProject
    public class VehicleClass
        // Abstract Class
        public abstract class Vehicle
            // Abstract Property
            public int Year

            // Abstract Method
            public virtual void StartVehicle()


        // Base Class
        public class Automobile : Vehicle
            // Fields
            public string _type;
            public int _year;
            public string _make;
            public string _model;
            public string _color;

            // Default Constructor
            public Automobile()


            // Constructor
            public Automobile(string type, int year, string make, string model, string color)
                _type = type;
                _year = year;
                _make = make;
                _model = model;
                _color = color;

            // Type Property
            public string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }

            // Year Property
            public new int Year
                get { return _year; }
                set { _year = value; }

            // Make Property
            public string Make
                get { return _make; }
                set { _make = value; }

            // Model Property
            public string Model
                get { return _model; }
                set { _model = value; }

            // Color Property
            public string Color
                get { return _color; }
                set { _color = value; }

            // Override StartVehicle Method
            public override void StartVehicle()
                MessageBox.Show("Automobile Started.");

            // Drive Method
            public virtual void Drive()
                MessageBox.Show("Went for a nice drive in the Automobile.");

            // Park Method
            public virtual void Park()
                MessageBox.Show("Parked the Automobile in the driveway");

            // Wash Method
            public virtual void Wash()
                MessageBox.Show("Washed the Automobile. Looks Great!");

        public class Car : Automobile
            // Fields
            public new string _type;
            public int _doors;

            // Default Constructor
            public Car()


            // Constructor
            public Car(string type, int year, string make, string model, string color, int doors) : base (type, year, make, model, color) 
                _type = "Car";
                _doors = doors;

            // Type Property
            public new string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }

            // Year Property
            public new int Year
                get { return _year; }
                set { _year = value; }

            // Make Property
            public new string Make
                get { return _make; }
                set { _make = value; }

            // Model Property
            public new string Model
                get { return _model; }
                set { _model = value; }

            // Color Property
            public new string Color
                get { return _color; }
                set { _color = value; }

            // Doors Property
            public int Doors
                get { return _doors; }
                set { _doors = value; }

            // Override StartVehicle Method
            public new void StartVehicle()
                MessageBox.Show("Car Started. It's Quiet!");

            // Drive Car Method
            public new void Drive()
                MessageBox.Show("Went for a nice drive in the Car.");

            // Park Car Method
            public new void Park()
                MessageBox.Show("Parked the Car in the driveway");

            // Wash Car Method
            public new void Wash()
                MessageBox.Show("Washed the Car. Looks Great!");

            public override string ToString()
                return _year + " " + _make + " " + _model + " " + _color + " - " + _doors + " Door";

        public class SportsCar : Car
            // Fields
            public new int _doors;

            // Default Constructor
            public SportsCar()


            // Constructor
            public SportsCar(string type, int year, string make, string model, string color, int doors) : base (type, year, make, model, color, doors)
                _type = "Sports Car";
                _doors = doors;

            // Type Property
            public new string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }

            // Year Property
            public new int Year
                get { return _year; }
                set { _year = value; }

            // Make Property
            public new string Make
                get { return _make; }
                set { _make = value; }

            // Model Property
            public new string Model
                get { return _model; }
                set { _model = value; }

            // Color Property
            public new string Color
                get { return _color; }
                set { _color = value; }

            // Doors Property
            public new int Doors
                get { return _doors; }
                set { _doors = value; }

            // Override StartVehicle Method
            public new void StartVehicle()
                MessageBox.Show("Sports Car Started. It's Loud!");

            // Drive Sports Car Method
            public new void Drive()
                MessageBox.Show("Went for a nice drive in the Sports Car.");

            // Park Sports Car Method
            public new void Park()
                MessageBox.Show("Parked the Sports Car in the driveway");

            // Wash Sports Car Method
            public new void Wash()
                MessageBox.Show("Washed the Sports Car. Looks Great!");

            public override string ToString()
                return _year + " " + _make + " " + _model + " " + _color + " - " + _doors + " Door";

        public class Truck : Automobile
            // Field
            public int _doors;
            public int _driveType;

            // Default Constructor
            public Truck()


            // Constructor
            public Truck(string type, int year, string make, string model, string color, int doors, int driveType)
                : base(type, year, make, model, color)
                _type = "Truck";
                _doors = doors;
                _driveType = driveType;

            // Type Property
            public new string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }

            // Year Property
            public new int Year
                get { return _year; }
                set { _year = value; }

            // Make Property
            public new string Make
                get { return _make; }
                set { _make = value; }

            // Model Property
            public new string Model
                get { return _model; }
                set { _model = value; }

            // Color Property
            public new string Color
                get { return _color; }
                set { _color = value; }

            // Doors Property
            public int Doors
                get { return _doors; }
                set { _doors = value; }

            // Drive Type Property
            public int DriveType
                get { return _driveType; }
                set { _driveType = value; }

            // Override StartVehicle Method
            public new void StartVehicle()
                MessageBox.Show("Truck Started. It's Loud!");

            // Drive Truck Method
            public new void Drive()
                MessageBox.Show("Went for a nice drive in the Truck.");

            // Park Truck Method
            public new void Park()
                MessageBox.Show("Parked the Truck in the driveway");

            // Wash Truck Method
            public new void Wash()
                MessageBox.Show("Washed the Truck. Looks Great!");

            public override string ToString()
                return _year + " " + _make + " " + _model + " " + _color + " - " + _doors + " Door - " + _driveType + "WD";

        public class MiniVan : Automobile
            // Fields
            public int _doors;
            public int _passengers;

            // Default Constructor
            public MiniVan()


            // Constructor
            public MiniVan(string type, int year, string make, string model, string color, int doors, int passengers)
                : base(type, year, make, model, color)
                _type = "MiniVan";
                _doors = doors;
                _passengers = passengers;

            // Type Property
            public new string Type
                get { return _type; }
                set { _type = value; }

            // Year Property
            public new int Year
                get { return _year; }
                set { _year = value; }

            // Make Property
            public new string Make
                get { return _make; }
                set { _make = value; }

            // Model Property
            public new string Model
                get { return _model; }
                set { _model = value; }

            // Color Property
            public new string Color
                get { return _color; }
                set { _color = value; }

            // Doors Property
            public int Doors
                get { return _doors; }
                set { _doors = value; }
            // Passengers Property
            public int Passengers
                get { return _passengers; }
                set { _passengers = value; }

            // Override StartVehicle Method
            public new void StartVehicle()
                MessageBox.Show("Minivan Started. It's Quiet!");

            // Drive Minivan Method
            public new void Drive()
                MessageBox.Show("Went for a nice drive in the Minivan.");

            // Park Minivan Method
            public new void Park()
                MessageBox.Show("Parked the Minivan in the driveway");

            // Wash Minivan Method
            public new void Wash()
                MessageBox.Show("Washed the Minivan. Looks Great!");

            public override string ToString()
                return _year + " " + _make + " " + _model + " " + _color + " - " + _doors + " Door - " + _passengers + " Passengers";

Try this example. Personally, I think it's well explained.

Don't forget, what you know by heart, I haven't learned yet. I tried the example you posted, but got an exception pretty much the same to the ones I got from other examples, including the MSDN article. The class I'm in is a simple introduction to C#, so again, I have ZERO experience with Serialization ( The word isn't even listed in the back of the book). I'm posting two pictures, one of the actual exception, and one of the details view of the exception. While that might be well explained, it's not a fool-proof tutorial on how to Serialize any list.


Nevermind. Someone on another Forum actually took the time to walk me through how to Serialize my data so it can be read back into MY program with full functionality.

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