So i have looked in this forum and grabbed a piece of code that let me encrypt text using a cypher. I have changed it so that you can input your own text to be encrypted and a little more.
I am 15 and this is my 2nd day learning python so if this is a easy fix for some ppl bear the last sentance in mind :)
message = input("Input: ")
key = 11
coded_message = ""
for ch in message:
code_val = ord(ch) + key
if ch.isalpha():
if code_val > ord('z'):
code_val -= ord('z') - ord('a')
coded_message = coded_message + chr(code_val)
coded_message = coded_message + ch
# print ("Input: " + message)
print ("Output: " + coded_message)
My question is how do i make a code that will get the crypted text and turn it into the original text.