I am learning re module

for practice I have taken an export of my phone addressbook which is a comma seperated text file, containing
"First Name","Mobile Phone","Home Phone","Company","E-mail Address","Company Main Phone","Business Fax","Birthday"

as of now I am more interested in First name , mobile phone number and email address.
in my phone book I have first names with characters a-z in small caps as well as capitals with - and some also containig number or special characters so almost everything is included.

so I build a search pattern like this namePattern = re.compile('[a-zA-Z _@-]+')

this works fine but it also gets me all characters from company name, email address, birthday entries data what i need is to search the row containig First Name..similarly i want to seperate out email and number and so the search dont get mixed.

so far this is what I have got



except Exception as er:
       print er
finally: ph.close()
print firstLine
namePattern = re.compile('[a-zA-Z _@-]+')

for index,line in enumerate(lines):
    for namMatch in re.finditer(namePattern,line):
        print index, line[s:e]

how should I only get First names only ...?

If it is a csv file, it would be easier to read with the csv module. You would select the first entry of each row to get the first name. Can you post a few rows of your file (with real names and addresses replaced by similar fancy data) ?

Here is an example of different columns from the file , i have chnaged numbers and mail ids

"First Name","Mobile Phone","Home Phone","Company","E-mail Address","Company Main Phone","Business Fax","Birthday"
"121"," 121",,,,,,
"Abha Garg","   08600746256",,,,,,
"Bakh Bagla(a G)"," +91932424617",,,,"  0188424242",,
"Dad"," +91945334045"," +9188743428",,"eresfsfdra@yrdl.com","   +91353423449",,
"tailor master","   9357310498",,,,,,
"taruna","  09015561619","  +918968391049",,"tarunthegreat43@gmail.com",,,
"Kanika Jain TL@ Pf","  9967504886",,,,,,
,"  +918968554786",,,,,,
,"  9167228454",,,,,,
"VAS Act/Deact","   12116",,,,,,

Well, here is how to read it with the csv module

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*-coding: utf8-*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function, division

from collections import namedtuple
import csv

    delimiter = str(','),
    quoting = csv.QUOTE_ALL,
    doublequote = False,
    quotechar = str('"'),
    escapechar = str('\\'),

record = namedtuple("record", "name phmobile phhome company email phcompany fax birthday")

with open("book.csv", "rb") as ifh:
    reader = csv.reader(ifh, dialect = 'bookdialect')
    records = list(record(*(x.strip() for x in row)) for row in reader)

print(records[4].name, records[4].phhome, records[4].email)

"""my output -->
[record(name='First Name', phmobile='Mobile Phone', phhome='Home Phone', company='Company', email='E-mail Address', phcompany='Company Main Phone', fax='Business Fax', birthday='Birthday'), record(name='121', phmobile='121', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='Abha Garg', phmobile='08600746256', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='Bakh Bagla(a G)', phmobile='+91932424617', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='0188424242', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='Dad', phmobile='+91945334045', phhome='+9188743428', company='', email='eresfsfdra@yrdl.com', phcompany='+91353423449', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='tailor master', phmobile='9357310498', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='taruna', phmobile='09015561619', phhome='+918968391049', company='', email='tarunthegreat43@gmail.com', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='Kanika Jain TL@ Pf', phmobile='9967504886', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='', phmobile='+918968554786', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='', phmobile='9167228454', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday=''), record(name='VAS Act/Deact', phmobile='12116', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='', fax='', birthday='')]
record(name='Bakh Bagla(a G)', phmobile='+91932424617', phhome='', company='', email='', phcompany='0188424242', fax='', birthday='')
Dad +9188743428 eresfsfdra@yrdl.com

There are also solutions if the file is encoded in unicode.

but i wanted to learn re module...

but i wanted to learn re module...

You can start with the chapter about the re module in diveintopython.

The first rule is always use raw strings for regular expressions, eg re.compile( r"foo" ) (notice the r).

but i wanted to learn re module..

Start with something simpler.
An example could be something like this.
Match phonenumber with +.

>>> import re
>>> s = '"taruna","  09015561619","  +918968391049",,"tarunthegreat43@gmail.com",,,'
>>> re.findall(r'\+\d+', s)

So \+ macth +.
+ alone has a spesiell mening(Matches 1 or more of the preceeding token)
\d Matches any digit character (0-9)
And last + so we get whole number.

Email adress.
\w+ Matches any word character
Then mactch @,then a new \w+.\w+
So will this work?

>>> s = '"taruna","  09015561619","  +918968391049",,"tarunthegreat43@gmail.com",,,'
>>> re.findall(r'\w+@\w+.\w+', s)

Read python doc
There are many online tools that can help with regex.

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