WHERE Category = '" + CategorySorter.Text + "' AND DateAdded = '" + DateValue("DateEnd.Text") + "' "
thats my query and its not working, if the user input a date(like this 12/25/12) in DateEnd.Text, i want to confirm if it is existing on a database
WHERE Category = '" + CategorySorter.Text + "' AND DateAdded = '" + DateValue("DateEnd.Text") + "' "
thats my query and its not working, if the user input a date(like this 12/25/12) in DateEnd.Text, i want to confirm if it is existing on a database
Depends on the database, you need to check with the database manager (maybe its you) to find out what format the database expects. MS-Addess wants dd-mm--yyyy format while others may want dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy/mm/dd or yyyy/dd/mm or something else. Before sending to the database I suppose you need to validate the text in DateEnd.Text is a valid date and in the correct format.
The database date format is 12/31/2012, i inputed almost all kinds of date inside DateEnd.Text, still "data type mismatch error"
sir here's the code:
Sub FilteredQuery()
cnDDR.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\parts.mdb;"
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = cnDDR
.CommandType = adCmdText
.CommandText = "Select Category, DateAdded FROM comparts WHERE Category = '" + Category.Text + "' AND DateAdded = '" + DateValue(DateEnd.Text) + "' "
End With
With rsDDR
.ActiveConnection = cnDDR
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open cmd
End With
End Sub
I used this code from msdn to populate the report dynamically, so i can view specific date which will match from user input
Dim q As Integer
Dim intCtrl As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Dim z As Integer
x = 0
q = 0
z = 0
With DynamicDR
Set .DataSource = rsDDR
.DataMember = ""
With .Sections("Section1").Controls
For intCtrl = 1 To .Count
If TypeOf .Item(intCtrl) Is RptLabel Then
.Item(intCtrl).Caption = rsDDR.Fields(q).Name & " :"
q = q + 1
End If
If TypeOf .Item(intCtrl) Is RptTextBox Then
.Item(intCtrl).DataMember = ""
.Item(intCtrl).DataField = rsDDR(z).Name
z = z + 1
End If
Next intCtrl
End With
End With
What database are you using? It should have some sort of administrator panel where you can manually enter and execute sql statements. If it has one then use it to execute the sql you are trying to create. Then when you find one that works change your vb program accordingly.
im using access (parts.mdb) its compatible with access 2003, i used myphpadmin before but for just a tutorial, and it has ssection which we can perform sql queries,
when i created the database (parts.mdb), the DateAdded created as a "Date" data type
its working now, i used this:
"Select ItemCode, ItemName, Category, Description, Supplier, ItemPrice, InStock, OnOrder, DateAdded FROM comparts WHERE Category = '" + CategorySorter.Text + "' AND DateAdded >= #" & DateEnd.Text & "# AND DateAdded <= #" & DateStart.Text & "#"
If the date is 'Date' data type, then try converting the string to 'Date' type before you submit it. You can use CDate
function to convert it.
Thanks, it is working now, i can now view the data according to category and date
Please mark as solved if it is working fine now, thank you.
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