I've been trying for a while and can't figure it out

  • Check if the board is full, meaning that all cells are occupied and not empty
  • Then make sure there aren't any winning patterns for 'x' -- use your checkAll('x')
  • Then make sure there aren't any winning patterns for 'o' -- use your checkAll('o')
  • If all the above passed then it is a tie

I'm having trouble figuring out how to check if all squares are full, could I get some more help with that?

It should be something like so, in psuedo code:

bool isFull(board){
  bool isFull = true;
  for i = 0 to board.length   # 0 <= i <= 8
    if board[i] != 'x' && board[i] != 'o'
       isFull = false;

  return isFull;

i am getting an invalid syntax error for that first line
sorry i havent learned bool yet :/
i also cant find anything about 'bool' after googling it

back to square one, any other help would be very appreciated, all i need now is how to check if the board is full

def is_full(board):
    return all(p in tuple('xo') for p in board)


def is_full(board):
     return not ''.join(str(p) for p in board).strip('xo')
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