I spent so much time from scratch to finish and to the point that I couldn't figured out what is all my mistakes about. I need a fresh set of eye, may you help? (errors at the bottom, sorry for have to scroll down the long page) Thanx
*Description: Writing own method, Switch Selection Control, String,Accumulating,
*Counting method, array base on last reviews from previous labs.
*prepare a grade report for more than 1 student using input File and
*output to a File with print outs letter grades # of A's, B's etc.
*Input: College Name, Student Name, Student ID Number and
*Courses-Section Name (ex. CISC115.59), Letter Grades
*Output: College Name, Student Name, Student ID Number;
*Courses, Letter Grades, Grade Points, GPA and total students grades.
import java.io.*; //Needed for File classes
import java.util.*; //Needed for scanner classes
public class gpa
public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception
// declare inFile & associate with actual data file
Scanner inFile = new Scanner(new FileReader("inputgpa.txt"));
//Read numStudents from first line of inputgpa file
int numStudents = inFile.nextInt(); //total number of students
// declare outFile & associate with actual data file
PrintWriter outFile = new PrintWriter("outputgpa.txt");
//Print College name to file
outFile.println("BCCC"+"Grade Report for "+ numStudents+"students");
// Continue if there is more data in inputgpa file
while (inFile.hasNext())
//Read Name & idNumber from inputgpa file
String Name = inFile.nextLine(); // student name in file
int idNumber = inFile.nextInt(); //student ID number
// Output to file
//print 1 blank line
//Write to file for headings
//Call studentCourses method for student gp & gpa calculation
}//End While loop then close the inputgpa file
}//End Main method
/** ___________________________________________________________
This loop for colecting the 6 courseName and their letGrade of
each student from the inputgpa file, then calculate the gp & gpa
public static void studentCourses()
//continue read from inputgpa file
//Declare variable n & its value
int n = 6; //total of student courses
int i=0;
//start loop
for(i=0; i<n; i++)
//read courseName
String courseName = inFile.nextLine();
String letGrade = inFile.nextLine();
//Pass the array to the gradeSortout method
double gp=0.0; // grade point
//compute gp from input letGrade
case 'A': gp=4; break;
case 'B': gp=3; break;
case 'C': gp=2; break;
case 'D': gp=1; break;
case 'F': gp=0; break;
default: System.out.println("Invalid Grade"); break;
}//End switch loop
//compute to find total gradepoints
double totalgp = 0.0;
totalgp+= gp;
//Read values then output to outputgp file
}//End For loop
//Compute gpa
double gpa = 0.0;
gpa = totalgp / n;
//Read gpa and output to outputgpa file
//print line
//display gpa as footer
outFile.println("GPA: "+gpa);
}//End While loop
}//End studentCourses method
// ___________________________________________________________________
//Begin gradeSortout method
public static void gradeSortout()
// declare outGrade & associate with actual data file
PrintWriter outGrade = new PrintWriter("Grade.txt");
//Print to Grade file
outGrade.println("BCCC"+"Grade Results Report of "+ numStudents+"students "+"- Spring 2011-");
//calculate the total grades of all students for array uses
int sum = numStudent*n;
int[]gradeArray = new int[numStudent*n];
int j=0;
//start loop for gradeSortout
for(j=0; j<sum; j++)
gradeArray[j] = 0;
case'A':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
case'B':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
case'C':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
case'D':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
case'F':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
default:outGrade.println("invalid grade"); break;
//print to Grade file in table layout
outGrade.println();//one blank line
String format = "%1$-10s%2$-10s%3$-10s%4$-10s%5$-10s%6$-10s\n";
//print headings
outGrade.format(format,"Number","A Grade", "B Grade", "C Grade", "D Grade", "F Grade");
}//End for loop
}//End gradeSortout method
symbol : variable inFile
location: class gpa
gpa.java:82: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable input
location: class gpa
String courseName = input.nextLine();
gpa.java:83: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable input
location: class gpa
String letGrade = input.nextLine();
gpa.java:86: gradeSortout(int[]) in gpa cannot be applied to ()
gpa.java:91: incompatible types
found : java.lang.String
required: int
gpa.java:106: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable outFile
location: class gpa
gpa.java:111: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable totalgp
location: class gpa
gpa = totalgp / n;
gpa.java:115: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable outFile
location: class gpa
gpa.java:118: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable outFile
location: class gpa
outFile.println("GPA: "+gpa);
gpa.java:134: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable numStudents
location: class gpa
outGrade.println("BCCC"+"Grade Results Report of "+ numStudents+"students "+"- Spring 2011-");
gpa.java:137: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable numStudent
location: class gpa
int sum = numStudent*n;
gpa.java:137: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable n
location: class gpa
int sum = numStudent*n;
gpa.java:138: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable numStudent
location: class gpa
int[]gradeArray = new int[numStudent*n];
gpa.java:138: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable n
location: class gpa
int[]gradeArray = new int[numStudent*n];
gpa.java:146: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable letGrade
location: class gpa
gpa.java:148: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable format
location: class gpa
case'A':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
gpa.java:149: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable format
location: class gpa
case'B':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
gpa.java:150: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable format
location: class gpa
case'C':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
gpa.java:151: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable format
location: class gpa
case'D':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;
gpa.java:152: cannot find symbol
symbol : variable format
location: class gpa
case'F':outGrade.format(format,(j+1)+"A"); break;